TURNCOAT profile picture



About Me

endless mouths and assholes swallowing and shitting

booking: turnjacket@gmail.com

My Interests


Member Since: 2/12/2006
Band Website: starfucker
Band Members: billy, andre, michael, chris
Influences: void, black flag, tear it up, infest, spazz
Sounds Like:
Record Label: diy
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Someone had something nice to say about us. :(

"Turnfuckingcoat: This is ugly as hell in a good way. Not fur cute kids and mosh-humans. The vocals make it stand out, music ain't no revolution but I can see this being a soundtrack for a riot and cl...
Posted by TURNCOAT on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 07:55:00 PST