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Publicly subsidized, pirvately profitable

About Me

Well, you see, first. we have primitive communication monosylabic grunts and expressions. Theese can communicate much, but are heavily dependent .. and the relationship of the commuicators. So for example when walking down the street with an old friend i can grunt or motion and we have succeeded planning out dinner and the rest of the evening but there is NO way the grunt or motion could be preserved in writing or by image and still retain the quantity of information it held originally. To get around the lack of portability more modern languages were developed. Language which could be written with symbols. For immediate instant communication they are often much less descriptive and communicate much less. But in most other instances they retain much more of their original content and with each technological advance the portability increases but the volume of content that the language can hold is reduced. A hard written letter contains much more information than typed on a typewriter and that letter contains much more information than an email even if the words are the same. But the email can go around the world and be duplicated a million times before i can the the handwrittten letter in the mailbox. understanding the trade offs in different forms of communication is essential. This reminds me of my microwave,it beeps and at me, and i understand what is means, everytime. I am developing an intimate relationship with my microwave, my phone beeps and beeps insessently, why it is beeping.. i hate my phone....................................................... ............ .

My Interests

. .Music, games, school, computers, pocket pc's, smartphones, operating systems, electroncics, mobile solutions, not programing, not my job, i guess getting on myspace? eating, not eating, stealing music, stealing movies, stealing tv shows, stealing games, stealing programs, so i guess being a theif? knowing my phone is most cooler than yours.

I'd like to meet:

. .Noam Chompsky. period.


. .propaganhi, die arzte, wizo, Atreyu, dearly departed, ..::from autumn to ashes::.., mad sin, nekromantix, tiger army, Norma Jean, tsunami bomb, x-ray spex, the juliana theory, saves the day, the anniversary, skycamefalling, ..::thrusday::.. , noise ratchet, Taking back sunday, Dashboard Confessional the panic division, Gravy Train!!!!, Alexisonfire, a radio with guts, borders and boundaries, dance hall crashers, cure, LAO, face to face, the get up kids, stabbing westward, nada surf, The good life, Agent Orange, the Teen Idols, the quakes, los gatos locos, the raging hellbillys, Tilt, the damned, HORSE the band, XTC , Rufus Wainwright.................................................. ............................................................ ...


. .i love english movies , vaccuming completely nude in paradise, lock stock and 2 smoking barrels, nightmare before christmas, no. 1 gangster, bittersweet manchester, Shaun of the dead, the life aquatic, and a bunch of other goofy shit i dare not right for fear of losing pts.


. .I like english tv, shows like keeping up appearances, father ted, coupling, velvet soup, monarch of the glen, queer eye for the straight guy, my hero, father ted, my family, absolutely fabulous, the young ones, little britain, and black adder.


. .fast food nation, Manufacturing consent, world war Z, oversized cofee table books.


. .Noam Chomsky. HTC.

My Blog

Meet your Meat

Posted by Don on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 01:04:00 PST

Answer this YO.

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe m...
Posted by Don on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Its broken..

Ive been studying too much.. i think i ruined my brain, by the time i was done with class i was eating cardboard and walking into walls....
Posted by Don on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

gonna be in denver, almost as fun as drowning..

im leaving the 12th for denver for a week, so dont be scared that im missing, i dont have the fortune of being dead.
Posted by Don on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ahh, i met the grim reaper today!

WHOA, i had 2!!! TWO! whole near death experiences tonite! was the craziest thing, i went out with my friends and one of my friends cousin was driving, so we are driving and he decides to take our liv...
Posted by Don on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST