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I Wake Up in the Morning and I Piss Excellence.

About Me

Why is it that if I defend Christianity (MERRY CHRISTMAS) and my country (God Bless the USA) I am called a hater? Political correctness offends me and will be our fatal flaw as a planet.
Let's get one thing straight- because I am American does not automatically mean I agree with the United States government's policies nor does it mean that I think George Bush is a great president. The US government and it's programs (i.e.- taxpayers funding illegal alien's health care/education, social security, CPS, etc) needs a complete overhaul. The Democratic and Republican parties are a joke. I don't know exactly how to fix our political system, but my moral compass tells me that a country built on greed and a complete removal of God from society (Thanks political correctness!) might just be a recipe for disaster. I hope future generations of policticians handle global affairs more seriously....actually, this goes for almost all countries across the globe.
Nuclear war and fossil fuel burning need to be extinct before we have no more earth to call home. Our humble, blue planet is in serious danger.
Terrorism is a VERY REAL and GLOBAL threat. If you think otherwise, then you are living in fucking La-La Land and I worry about you're well being.
Fuck terrorists and their master plan of a one world Islamic rule. I vehemently decline the "offer" from Iran and others to convert to Islam. They need to shut their fucking babble holes and allow other religions/societies to exist- in Peace. ANY country whose "ruler" mass murders it's own citizens SHOULD be invaded and the murderer removed in order to protect innocent people from decades of future horrors.
Before world peace can happen, First and Foremost, certain Islamic leaders ("Certain Islamic leaders" DOES NOT MEAN EVERY SINGLE Muslim) need to stop teaching their children that it is honorable to kill themselves as suicide bombers in the name of Allah. Seriously, no logical, free willed human being can argue that it is acceptable to commit suicide while killing others, in the name of ANY god.
If you chose to live in the US, assimilate to OUR culture, don't expect us to adapt to yours. We are a mix of races, religions and nationalities, but in the US, certain laws stand. Period. For example: No, you cannot cover your face with a burqua for your passport photo and sorry guys, but illegal flat out means illegal.
And learn to speak english out of respect for being here, just as I would gladly learn the native language of any country if I relocated internationally.
However, I think Americans should at least consider broadening their horizons with the Spanish/Mexican vs English language thing. Americans need to realize that any developed country has materials printed in more than that country's native language. And most of their citizens are somewhat fluent in this second language. The funny thing is, 9 out of 10 times, the foreign language is......ENGLISH!!! I'd venture to say that Americans should stop whining and make themselves more useful to the entire world by branching out a little bit and learning a second language. Too far fetched an idea for you? Ah, change is a bitch and growth rarely comes easily.
I strongly defend my second amendment right- the right to bear and keep arms and will fight to defend it, Thank You.
This does not make me hateful, it just makes me a proud, red blooded American.

Factor low score high score
Gregariousness 74% quiet, reclusive engaging, socially bold
Sociability 82% withdrawn, hidden warm, open, inviting
Assertiveness 82% timid, gunshy controlling, aggressive
Poise 70% uneasy around others socially comfortable
Leadership 78% stays in background prefers to lead
Provocativeness 66% modest, plays it safe bold, uninhibited, cocky
Self-Disclosure 74% private, contained very open and revealing
Talkativeness 74% quiet, stealthy, invisible motor mouth, loud
Group Attachment 50% loves solitude prefers to be with others
Understanding 78% insensitive, schizoid respectful, sympathetic
Warmth 78% disinterested in others supportive, helpful
Morality 82% break/ignore the rules play by the rules
Pleasantness 82% aloof or disagreeable gets along with others
Empathy 74% out of tune w/ others in tune with others
Cooperation 50% competitive, warlike agreeable, peaceful
Sympathy 66% socially inconsiderate socially conscious
Tenderness 54% cold hearted, selfish warm hearted, selfless
Nurturance 70% self pleasing, me first people pleasing, me last
Conscientiousness 58% reckless, unscheduled careful, planner
Efficiency 54% unreliable, lazy finisher, follows through
Dutifulness 70% leisurely, derelict strict, rule abiding
Purposefulness 62% inattentive, undisciplined prepared, focused
Organization 74% relaxed, oblivious detail oriented, anal
Cautiousness 42% impulsive, spendthrift restrained, cautious
Rationality 66% irrational, random direct, logical
Perfectionism 70% careless, error prone detail obsessed
Planning 50% disorganized, random scheduled, clean
Stability 62% easily frustrated calm, cool, unphased
Happiness 70% unhappy, dissatisfied self content, positive
Calmness 66% touchy, volatile even tempered, tolerant
Moderation 50% needs instant gratification easily delays gratification
Toughness 62% hypersensitive, moody thick skinned
Impulse Control 50% lacks self control maintains composure
Imperturbability 42% highly emotional emotionally contained
Cool-headedness 42% demanding, controlling accommodating
Tranquility 38% emotionally volatile emotionally neutral
Intellect 66% instinctive, non-analytical intellectual, analytical
Ingenuity 82% lacks new ideas innovative, novel
Reflection 82% unreflective, coarse art and beauty lover
Competence 82% slow to understand/think intellectual, brainy
Quickness 82% intellectually dependent intellectually independent
Introspection 74% not self reflective self searching
Creativity 74% dull headed synthesizer, iconoclast
Imagination 82% practical, realistic dreamer, unrealistic
Depth 82% lacks curiosity mental explorer
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My Interests

Stuff I Dig, in No Particular Order: My Husband in his ARMY Digs, Waffle House, Motorcycles, Motorcycles, Motorcycles, Organic and Whole Food, Clint Eastwood, Seinfeld, Reading, Bowling, Texas, Being Outside, Christopher Walken, Chevys, Pure Maple Syrup, Chipotle, Chicago, Burboun, 311, Cheese, CSI, REI, , My Bed, Fishing, Kayaking, Polish and Russian, My Big Black Boots, Outer Space, MY Bloody Marys, Medium Rare Filets with A1, Women, Spooning, Sleeping, Computing, Kicking Rocks, Bacon, Mowing the Lawn, Being Rubbed, Doing Absoluetely Nothing, and Cooking.

I'd like to meet:

MySpace Tracker I dig all kinds of people, but especially like those who offer me a different perspective on life.


If your myspace "page" has more than one soundbyte playing at a time, piss off.

If your only ambition in life is smokin' weed and drinking your forty- then beat it.

I'd like to meet Aliens from space, 311, the founding fathers of the USA, Kelly James, Bill Murray, Christopher Walken, Jesus Christ , Hugh Hefner (C'mon he's the Ultimate Ladies Man), Glenn Beck and Clint Eastwood.

I'd really like to get drunk with Will Farrell, the Broken Lizard guys, Johnny Knoxville, Ron White and anyone from Motley Crue or TRHCP.

I'd like to buy a couple of drinks for Wentworth Miller, George Eads, Nick Hexum, Anthony Kiedis, Tim O'Hare, Ann Coulter...but she probably doesn't hit the sauce much, and every single soldier in Iraq.


311, Old School Metallica, Billy Squier, OS DMB, The Police, The Monkees, Steely Dan, Chicago, Gorillaz, Saigon Kick, Chili Peppers, , Jack Johnson, Soul Coughing, Clutch, Michael Penn, Big Sugar, Big Iron, Gordon Lightfoot, James Brown, Brooks and Dunn, Iron Maiden, Collective Soul, Portishead, Toadies, Aimee Mann, Johnatha Brook, Led Zeppellin, 80's Big Hair Metal Bands, 8Ball and the Breakers and last but by no means least- Deadbolt- The Scariest Band In The World


Austin Powers Trilogy
Jackas 2
Hunt for Red October
Super Troopers
Fight Club
Big Lebowski
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
40 yo Virgin
Forrest Gump
Joe Dirt
Milo and Otis
Tommy Boy
The Cube
Star Wars Trilogy
Band of Brothers- damn those military men are hot
All of Clint's Work- especially his westerns


Greys Anatomy
Prison Break because Wentworth Miller is positively painful to look at because he is so hot.
The Girls Next Door
Assy McGee
The Monkees
Space Ghost
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Sealab 2021
Cow and Chicken
Robot Chicken
Family Guy
Dog the Bounty Hunter
Metalocalypse (Deathklok rocks!!)
Alton Brown, Baby (recipes NEVER fail)
Glenn Beck

I could watch television for hours on end.....


Currently Reading: An endless supply of Magazines. I traded my airline miles and almost everyday I get some amount of magazines-

And I have a crossword book that I bust out EVERY night before bed to keep my mind sharp.

Faves: Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis, Dirt by Motley Crue and The World According to Garp...... I read Mostly Non-Fiction, I'm Addicted to Books About Middle Eastern Culture...I'm trying to wrap my little mind around some Ayn Rand.


Our Troops, Firemen, Policemen, Nurses and Doctors. I know that sounds cheesey and gay- But I could not do their jobs if I tried and I appreciate all of them and what they do to protect me! And of course, Jesus Christ.

My Blog

Cappa's Comment about Terrorists

If you read my blog you know that I have been going round and round with this 15 year old kid in Australia over terrorism. Old boy thinks that all Americans worship GW Bush and are basically...
Posted by julie on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 07:47:00 PST

I Bet You're Sorry You Added Me

1. ever been given an engagement ring?No. 2. Longest friendship?Patty since she was a fetus 3. Last gift you received?thermometer 4. How many times have you dropped your cell?lost count 5. When's the...
Posted by julie on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 07:18:00 PST

Muslims, Terrorists and the USA

Fellow freedom loving humans- Please forgive my cursing, but I am pissed off. I ran across this gem today and I love it because it's a reality punch in the fucking face for all of us. It best explain...
Posted by julie on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:46:00 PST

Quote of The Day....

i want him to do me in front of my window again. but don't tell him i said that. - in refernce to my "friend" wanting a fucking from this "boy" which neither of them will grow up and admit they wa...
Posted by julie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Quote of The Day

"Dude, you're banging the negotiator!" - in reference to my hunney's military position and level of secret squirrrel knowledge
Posted by julie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Quote of The Day.....

"Ya'll Have Tapeworms." - in reference to my co workers and my insatiable appetite.
Posted by julie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Quote of The Day.....

"Uh, someone took a crap on the floor" - in reference to actual human feces on the floor at my workplace
Posted by julie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST