Playing guitar (I suppose I'm pretty good at it, too; I'm not great, though), video games (Super Mario Bros. 3 is my all-time favorite game, followed by Ms. Pac Man), and the internet. In fact, I've recently made my very own internet forum for arcade-goers and general gamers alike. It's called Arrrcade Pirate (yeah, it's nerdily pirate-themed, too!). The url's , in case you're interested.
Clint Eastwood. Or George Lucas. And if Bruce Wayne were real, I'd definitely choose him, too.
I'm basically into rock and classical. I don't like to stray much from those two genres, but every once in a while I'll pop in some country; only old country, though. I can't stand new country. A few (and this is only a few) of my favorite bands include (in no particular order): Iron Maiden, David Bowie, Syd Barrett, Pixies, PJ Harvey, Radiohead, Rush, Led Zeppelin, Queen, J. S. Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, some Tchaikovsky (some!)... er... perhaps Pachelbel, too
I'm basically a huge Star Wars nerd. And no, I'm not afraid to admit it. To any other Star Wars nerds on the site, I salute you. Though I'm really only into the original trilogy. The newer ones were good, but just nowhere near great. "The Empire Strikes Back" is undoubtedly my favorite of the saga. By far. I'm also a huge fan of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". I'm a big spaghetti western fan, and an even bigger Sergio Leone fan, and TGTBATU seems to be one of the greatest and best-directed movies of all-time. Plus it has Eastwood in it, so it's automatically awesome. Sweet soundtrack, too (hail Morricone!). I suppose I also have to give "Escape From New York" honorable mention. It has Kurt Russell, it's a John Carpenter flick; what more could you ask for? Plus, Snake has to be one of the most memorable characters in all of movie history.
I'm mostly into sitcoms. "Seinfeld" has been my favorite show for quite a while, and I don't think it'll change soon. Great characters, great episodes, great jokes... great everything! To this day I still watch the reruns, and I haven't gotten sick of the show yet. One of my more recent favorites is without a doubt "Green Acres". As of right now we have the first 3 seasons on DVD, and we'll no doubt get more as they come out. The show is just so unbelievably funny. It's one that I know I'll never get tired of. "News Radio" is pretty great, too. Another one with great characters. It was a smart show, and back when Phil Hartman was on it was one of the funniest and best shows of its time; perhaps even ever.
Wow, I read way too often. So I obviously have quite a few books to add to this list. Let's see... well, one of my all-time faves is "Dune" by Frank Herbert. The whole saga is great, but I'm only talking about the first one, because it was easily the best. "Seventh Son" by Orson Scott Card was another brilliant one. Haven't read the entire saga yet, but I did read the first one and I loved it. "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams remains today to be one of the funniest books I've ever read. No, no; THE funniest. Followed closely by "Catch 22" by Joseph Heller; that's another hilarious one. And, though they haven't written any books, I still think H. P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe need to mentioned, since I'm a HUGE fan of their works. I prefer Lovecraft more, but both were incredibly scary authors and were undoubtedly the masters of the horror genre. I'll probably update this soon, but right now my fingers hurt from typing.
Oh boy. Being a comic book junkie, I'm gonna have to say Batman. Always have been my favorite comics; especially the old school ones. Back when they'd call him THE Batman and it was way more detective-based. Man, that was a great comic. I might even have to go out on a limb and say George Lucas here, too. I mean, he did give birth to such classics as Star Wars and Indiana Jones. So he obviously deserves SOME mention. And I mentioned Kurt Russell above, and I may just have to mention him again in here. Because any actor who can go from the hillbilly single dad of 4 kids in Overboard to a bank robber sent in to capture the President from the maximum security prison that is New York city in the futuristic year of 1998 is a versatile guy. Plus nobody looks as good as Kurt Russell with an eyepatch.