underwatter basket weaving, finding waldo, feline aroma therapy, power grundeling, sticking it to tha man, bathroom grafitti, black holes, fluid dynamics women with large nipples, late night conversations, people watching, sunday morning brunch, hunting, never ending doughnut theory, beer drinking, painting, sculpting, you know "the usual".
van morrison, shane mc'gowan, big bird, peter north, carl sagen, frank herbert, the pope, buck owens,
i love music! bob marley, the pogues, the clash, marvin gay, toni price, patty griffin, muddy waters, radio head, toots, johnny cash, social distortion, elvis costello, the jam, steve winwood, pana'ewa, john hiatt, van morrison, joy division, alejandro escovedo, the cranberys, X, butthole surfers, bruce robinson, agent orange, the clancy bros, dread zeppelin, peter tosh, i love most all music!
star wars, the blues brothers, whale rider, a prayer for the dying, airplane, monty python, karate kid part 2, death race 2000, soylent green, logan's run, clerks, E.T., fight club, the road warrior, caddy shack, the decline of western civilization, the bounty, what dreams may come, escape from new york, the thing, and girls gone wild #3.
i dont really watch t.v. but i did like barney and friends. is that show still on? aqua teen hunger force! number one in the hood G! the simpsons, homer is my hero! p.b.s. nova, austin city limits,
favorite books.... the tao of pooh, benjamen hoff. where the sidewalk ends, shell silverstine. me talk pretty one day, david sedaris. sand and foam, kahilil gibran. dear god, its me margret, super fudge, the white plague, frank herbert, zen and the art of motorcycle mantainace, burger wuss, the rats of n.i.m.h. pooping in the dark, john little, holidays on ice david sedaris, re-search ..8 modern primitives.
bono, ralph nader, johnny rotten,God, bobby sands, homeless people, bjork,and myself..