I love to do anything that has to do with the outdoors and sports. I love camping and hiking, especially in Yosemite. Love to fly-fish. ATVing is a rush, though I'm going to be a little more careful next time I ride. I'd love to get better at rock-climbing. My "life to-do list" includes learning how to sail, fly a plane. I finally took that survival class that was on my life to-do list. It was incredible. I now know how to build a snow cave and how to make a wood burning stove out of five tin cans. Now that I think about it, most things interest me.
People who live life uninhibitedly... "Strange, how in some way one always has the impression of being fortunate, how some chance happening, perhaps infinitesimal, stops us crossing the threshold of despair and allows us to live." Primo Levi
I like all types of music, it just depends on my mood. By far my favorite type is country music! I grew up in Fresno, what'd ya expect? Come on. I enjoy classical from time to time; it reminds me of my dad.
Favorite Comedy: Tommy Boy, Kindergarten Cop (not sure why) Favorite Drama/Action: Braveheart, Silence of the Lambs Favorite Chick-flick: While You Were Sleeping, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days and pretty much most chick-flicks. : )
UCLA football!! I love TLC's What Not to Wear, Reba (ya, I know I'm a dork for liking Reba. But I swear she's like a third mom to me), and NFL football. Oh, I do enjoy American Idol.
I really enjoyed "Waking the Dead" and "The Journey of Desire" by John Eldredge, anything by Patricia Cornwell, and the Bible. I love learning so I also enjoy educational books.Wise Witty Words of Wisdom: "You have to live through hell to know that you don't like it" "Wear a belt if your pants are loose"
My sister and Mom : ) and Reba McEntire