Drive by's in a buick with a fucking monkey.
See also: cars, motorcycles, martial arts, computers, cooking, gardening, physical fitness, theology, politics, morality, philosophy...
Anyone involved in local, regional, federal, or international politics. Also, anyone who'd like to kick back, relax, catch a movie... Or argue politics/theology/morality/etc. If big words turn your brain off I'm just not going to be the man for you. I like a woman (or man, but they're not exactly on the menu) that can challenge me intellectually.
Did you not notice that it's the Motherfucking HAMMER?
I like music, plain and simple. No, not plain and simple music. I enjoy it all.
I thoroughly love going to movies. There is nothing quite like the cinematic experience. On the flipside at home with friends, there's nothing like the living-room experience, either. Two houses, both alike in dignity.
I like movies quite a bit. Take, for instance, DR TRAN!.....He's a REAL doctor.
Adult. Fucking. Swim. Also, Heroes, Smallville... I don't watch a lot of TV.
I'm a big sci-fi fan, although I intend to read more philosophy books. Fantasy is a good start for philosophy, but is ultimately pubescent in nature. I enjoy reading most things, honestly.
AWESOME TV SHOW! Heroes, though? Real, or fictional? I suppose its silly to look up to a fictional character... Still. The Saints were great characters. Real guy? I dunno, really. My parents weren't too bad. One thing I've learned, though, is to do the things you need to so that you'll be the sort of person you (and other people) could look up to.