Sitting around with friends,doing whatever the day brings. Movies!!! Traveling!!! Looking Up!!! Music!!! People!!!
Strange new people to have a good time with and anyone who loves old hack and slash horror films! someone who can teach me something new... like juggling!!
T-88 Days
Modest Mouse,The Chemical Bros., Deadsy, Dead Kennedys, the cure, Violent femmes, Dropkick murphys, AFI, Rancid, Misfits, Tool, A perfect circle, Rise against Brand new, the distillers, franz ferdinand, lars and the bastards, Fugazi, the marz volta, sparta, red hot chili peppers at the drive in, blood brothers, black flag, anti flag, bouncing souls, American Waste, Chimaria, Radiohead, REM, the goo goo dolls, the yeah yeah yeahs, primus, les claypool's other bands, the's, the casualties,ramones, the dead milkmen, wes montogmery, Greenday, john meyer, jimi hendrix "the dead god of guitar", led zepplin, Pink Floyd, Kansas, Eric Clapton, U2, Dashboard, the faint, Keane, eels, Elliott smith, Shubert "impromtu in e flat- fuckin awsome piano", muse, pretty girls make graves, Beck, the dandy warhols, magnetic fields, of montreal, pedro the lion, the headphones, the rapture razorlight, marcy playground, candlebox, rammstien, flogging molly, tiger army ...... and way to many more to
say. i like all types of music from Country to old school rap/freestyle from techno to emo and all that fall in between.
all tarentino films, Clockwork orange, Fear and loathing in las vegas, the suicide club, A snake of june, Oldboy, tartan extreme is just amazing, how to draw a bunny, waking life, lock stock and two smoking barrels, SLC Punk, Sid and Nancy, Requim for a dream, Among Giants, Buffalo Soldiers, Full metal jacket, Dead presidents, all old B horror movies, reservoir dogs, soylent green, and just about all akira Kurosawa films, old samurai movies, bowling for columbine, doctor strangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb, audition, quitting, Pi, Zombie films!!!! sometimes in april, four rooms, and many more that i cant think can of right now. (126 on my list and counting)
Movies.... are so much better than television.....
Mighty Mouse and Mr. Dahmer