DARKNESS!!!!!! AKA DRAMA KING profile picture


ACTIONS SPEAK VOLUMES...You can judge me from a distance, but when you get close, it's the truth of

About Me

I am 29yrs old. I live in Phoenix Arizona in the Biltmore area. I am a single black man who is trying to find my counter part. Not on my space though. I am NOT a Christian. Sorry I know that disappoints some of you out there. I don’t label my faith. I do believe in right and wrong and I think essentially that is what the bible tries to teach, minus the whole gays are evil thing. Organized religion is nothing more then socially acceptable cults anyway…opps. I am the quality control reviewer for an Adult Film company called Club Jenna. I am also director of a new auto sports series called RPM XXXtreme. My job is what I do…not who I am I am motorcycle rider and snowboarder. I played high school and college football. I kick-box and practice several different styles of martial arts. I write poetry and I perform spoken word. I love and I lose. I live and I learn. I love horror movies and kung-fu movies. I love comedies and drama’s….okay I am a huge movie freak. I can watch TV all day, and often after a very hard week I might do just that. I am a dancer. I DJ and have been doing so for almost 10 years now. I am fuckin good…REALLY GOOD….ha-ha! Yeah I said it. I am sensitive and I am caring. I take things personal and I take very little shit. I am loyal to a fault. If I am done with you I will cut you off. I could tell you I love you on Monday, piss me off on Tuesday and on Thursday I could stand in the same room with you and act like we had never met. I don’t like to be misled. I don’t like to be lied to. I don’t like to wait. I def don’t like dating 3-4 people at once. Playing the field is really not my thing. To me, that is nothing more then being afraid of commitment or you’re dealing with a woman who’d rather sleep around, and I choose not pick the girls who’s been around the block, maybe just off the porch. I am honest and sarcastic. I am vindictive and mean spirited. I have a mean streak when provoked. Someone once said I have an emotion deficit that causes me to seek attention, even negative attention. That’s not true, just don’t ignore me or act like I meaning nothing to you and we will get along fine. I love women. I love sex, gentle, rough, in public, in the bed, in the car, kitchen, the club bathroom, the park in the pool. I eat pussy like a weed whacker. I attack it. I like to make/watch a woman cum and still have all my clothes on, stand up and walk out the door. I am not gay, but I play one on TV. I work for an amazing company in an amazing industry. I love a woman who has no idea what I want to give her and we can’t get along for longer then 5min so you figure it out... I was raised by 2 of the strongest black parents I have ever met. I have an older sister and a niece. I have no children of my own. But, I am hoping to get to work on that within the next 3 years. I wanted to be a chef when I was younger. I cook a lot. I love to cook. I love to travel. I will be in Europe all summer next year and in Africa for the winter. Good Times. Anything else you want to know??? Oh yeah there is plenty more…just ask me…I am not that shy.

My Interests

Music, Peotry, Women, Work, Music, Street Racing, Directing, Editing, Music, KICKBOXING, BJJ, Akido, Jeet Kun Do, Sambo, Dancing, Reading, Art, DJ love, PORN (cause that's my buisness baby), Religon..(I don't have one) The search for truth.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet DJ's, producers, and artist. Spoken word poets who like to throw words and metephoric boomerangs. People who can get into the deep side of the intellectual pool and not be afraid to just float. I'd like to meet the leaders of the civil rights movement. I'd like to meet my grandfather and ask him why he was so notorious.....he was a bad man. I'd like to go back and meet myself at age 16 and whisper a few things in my ear...and maybe today I would be a little bit closer to the place I thought I would be at this age....but I'm still doin pretty good!!!!!


House, True Hip-Hop, Rock, Hardcore, Alt, Punk, Ska, Classical, Country..yeah I said it..., JAZZ...


Quote from the film True Romance:its a fact. Sicilians have nigga blood pumpin through their hearts. If you dont believe me, look it up. You see, hundreds and hundreds of years ago the Moors conquered Sicily. And Moors are niggas . Way back then, Sicilians were like the wops in northern Italy. Blond hair. Blue eyes. But, once the Moors moved in there, they changed the whole country. They did so much fuckin with the Sicilian women, they changed the blood line forever, from blond hair and blue eyes to black hair and dark skin. I find it absolutely amazing to think to this day, hundreds of years later, Sicilians still carry that nigga gene. Im just quoting history. Its a fact. Its written. Your ancestors were niggas . Your great, great, great, great, great-grandmother was ..fucked by a nigga , and had a half nigga kid. That is a fact. Now tell me am i lying?


I don't really like the current state of TV and I am usually too tired rom working out to pay much attention, but Heroes, Journeyman, House, Dirty Jobs, Russel Simmons Def Poetry, and usually anything on the history, discovery, or military channel will peek myinterest. I don't watch A shot at love, or I love New York, or keeping up with the big ass-ishans...so if those are your main stable of tv consumption I suggest you keep that flaw to yourself...


who's on first with star wars
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My Blog

"THE TRUTH" Re-issue...I am remembering why i write and what I write always rings true!!!

This is the truth and this is exactly what has made me what I am today.No matter what happens from this day on...I will remember only the goodstuff. The only thing you need to know is that I am one i...
Posted by DARKNESS!!!!!! AKA DRAMA KING on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 03:12:00 PST

With Conditions...

"With Conditions"  Part I We are friends with conditions, used to make each other laugh and argue over religons, have a few margiritas, dance, then go thru ya favorite positions.. Now it's abbrev...
Posted by DARKNESS!!!!!! AKA DRAMA KING on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 02:03:00 PST

Love is Love...please explain

Love is love&please explain.   You can call many things by many titles, none of which sound the same But to say love is love is taking the most creative thing in the world and making it plain Lov...
Posted by DARKNESS!!!!!! AKA DRAMA KING on Thu, 17 May 2007 10:47:00 PST


Yeah I'm the only black guy in my group, the only jigabo in the crew, But my crew doesn't see color, Cause in order to be down, you have too see through Racial divides and barriers Color blind, color...
Posted by DARKNESS!!!!!! AKA DRAMA KING on Sun, 13 May 2007 09:15:00 PST