jen, jack of hearts profile picture

jen, jack of hearts

looking on the bright side, acting like you're alright.

About Me

a d d | m a i l | c o m m e n t s
best friend means forever. Hi, I’m Jen. :) My life is pretty amazing, no matter how bad it can get. I take everything I have for granted and I hardly appreciate half the things people do for me. Most of my friends are true friends. They don’t lie or hurt me purposely. And I would never do either of those things to them either. I’m currently single, and it’ll most likely stay that way for quite sometime. Relationships just aren’t for me.
I’ve faced many rough times in my life and the only way I got through them was with optimism, which was never an easy thing to find. My friends and family always had faith in me, but I don’t believe they do as much anymore. I’m not who they thought I’d turn out to be. In fact, I never thought I’d be this way either. For the most part, I like who I am.
I’ve come a long way within the past year and a half. I owe most of everything to my best friend, Ryan Schultz . He’s taught me so much, and I would have never made it half as far if it wasn’t for him. Ryan is the only person I can tell things to. I’m not afraid to tell him my secrets. Never have I trusted someone this much. No matter how mad we are at each other, we've always found a way to laugh about it in the end. I never want to lose him. He is everything you could ever want in a friend. I’m so lucky to have him in my life.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Confession Of The Day
[fuck confessions.]
I'm covering my sadness up with this fake smile.
You'll never see, will you? Even if it hit you straight between the eyes, you'd still be blind.
I never make the right choices. I'm so bad at this kind of thing. Either way, i'm going to get hurt. It's that simple.
Artist: Alexisonfire; Title:Control.
"Believe that you are just fine, believe that you are. You'll feel so alive, you'll feel so alive."
there's nothing to confess anymore.
Today was my mom's last day of Chemotherapy. I'm proud of her. Now all she has left is radiation. Finally, things might be looking up.
Suddenly, i see what it's all about. :)
I should really try harder in school. =/
List of things I dislike: When the bottom of my pants get wet. Left handed people. Greasy hair. When the music in the car is so quiet you can hear the engine. Cold feet, literally. Electrical tape, it never tears. And a lot more.
It's never to late to apologize, all that matters is if i'm willing to forgive you or not. But here's a tiny hint; i'll always forgive you.
I smile when it hurts.
February 27th, 2007
I need to replace a few people. I'm done with this shit. I'm done with crying.
February 26th, 2007
Fate, Trust, Love, Faith, Hope... they mean nothing.
February 25th, 2007
Life passes so fast and I'm not living up to my OWN expectations, whatever they might be. I should try harder, not for you, or for anyone, but for myself. It's just the fact that I don't actually care enough to try anymore.
February 22nd, 2007
I have GOT to stop this constant dreaming. It's going to break me down once I realize I'll never have what I really want.
February 20th, 2007
Understand something, I'm not as strong as I once was, but I wont give in like the last time. I may not like myself very much, but i KNOW i deserve better and more then this life is giving me.
February 19th, 2007
I didn't lie when I said I loved you, now just trust me.
February 18th, 2007
I can't wait until July. I want my license so bad.
February 17th, 2007
I feel so... different.
February 15th, 2007
I really really hate when people scratch their teeth on metal forks. it's sooo annoying.
February 14th, 2007
Valentines day isn't always about having someone, i think i enjoyed today, whether i had a "valentine" or not.
February 13th, 2007
Pretending that i don't hurt wont fix things, but it's the best i can do.
February 12, 2007
When I don't feel like moving forward, i just have to remember how that felt, and that i'll be with you again some day. i just have to be ready for anything that gets thrown my way. i'm willing to do anything and go anywhere for you.
February 11, 2007
yeah, it couldn't get better then this.
February 10, 2007
I feel so nauseas. I shouldn't be so nervous.
February 09, 2007
I hate lying, but I do it anyways.
February 08, 2007
my faith has run dry.
February 06,2007
Your huge ego is starting to get in the way. I can't take this anymore.
February 05, 2007
I can't trust you anymore.
February 04, 2007
I'm a bitch..that's a known fact.
February 03, 2007
You're always so mad...=/
February 02, 2007
I'm so ready for you to be here. Just know that I'll never be able to let you go once you're in my arms.
February 01, 2007
Promises don't mean anything to me. You don't have to promise me anything, because promises can be broken.
yeah, i fall fast. this time i'm falling really fast.
For a second, I was ALMOST happy...
I don't care about much of anything anymore.
Everyone should just give up.
I would like to change who I am and never look back.
You know I'd give anything for you to love me again, right?
I can't stop crying..
OH MY FUCKING GOD, WILL SOMEONE MAKE ME HAPPY? Jesus Fucking Christ. I just want to be happy for one god damn second. :-(
I have never been that fucked up before. bahaha.
I put commas where they aren't needed. I love commas. Hahah.
Someone loan me 30 bucks or just buy me guitar hero..please? I GOT GUITAR HERO!
I could have said so much more.. but I kept my mouth shut.
You know you have a good friend when sitting around playing Guitar Hero and drinking beer is some of the most fun you've ever had.
When I want/need attention the most, I get ignored. I'm sick of the same god damn routines.
That noise is still in my mind, i can't make it go away. STOP IT!
I'm gunna get you...
Time is starting to pass too quickly.
I'm not the type of person that wishes for a new day, i wish for the old ones. You know, when everything seemed so perfect, when everything was alright, and when there was no worries. I can't remember a time like that anymore.
Want to know something cool? I can pop my jaw in and out of place, painfully.. but I can still do it! :]
I saw you today, and now I wish things hadn't ended up this way...
I can't drink and walk at the same time.
If you'd just stop pretending to care, if you just stopped pretending you can make things better, if you could only give up... i'd be willing to give you a chance. Here's a tip : stop thinking you understand.. because you really don't.
One day you'll find out my secrets, first I have to find out what they are..
Time for a long one? Although I say I hate being lonely and I hate not "being with someone" it's actually kind of nice. Theres not that constant worry "are they cheating on me?" "are we going to last?" "what's going to happen?". Theres no missing anyone, there's no more constant fights and getting hurt. No crying over loved ones, no losing people, and no way to end up getting hurt. All in all, I guess I could get used to this.. it may take a while, but .. it'll work out.
I live in the past. It's that simple, try to understand.
Loving you has NOT been easy and not loving you has been even harder.
When you say things like that.. i really want to cry, but I'm getting stronger.
It'll take some time, but I'll eventually get it right. And for some reason, I feel secure for once.
So here we have the first day of the new year. 2007 doesn't look promising. I'm going to let you in on a little secret, this time.. when I say I give up, I mean it. As far as I see it, love isn't in my future and as far as I'm concerned, that doesn't really bother me. So here's to another year not worth living.
December 31st
[New Years Eve]
I don't want another year to come...I wasn't expecting to last this long.
December 30th
I get the feeling that things are about to change
December 29th
I saw you today and it didn't even hurt. I think I'm growing up.
December 28th
You don't like me anymore, do you? This is depressing.
December 27th
I need to know if you're lying or if you're being completely honest.
December 26th
Please notice me, please tell me you're willing to give this another try... just once more... i promise.
December 25th
[Christmas Day]
Is there a way to prevent yourself from falling in love?
December 24th
[Christmas Eve]
I know how to drive a manual now!
December 23rd
Letting go made me realize how unimportant you are to me.
December 22nd
I don't mix well with rain.
December 21st
I wish I didn't fall so fast.
December 20th
Why does everyone seem to think I'm on drugs?
December 19th
I wish I couldn't feel pain. HAHA, yeah right..
December 18th
My immune system is like the fucking stock market. You figure that out.
December 17th
Forgive me?
December 16th
So I made a mistake by blowing you off..
December 15th
I'm paranoid.. about everything.
December 14th
Keep in mind that I DO have feelings. I'm vulnerable right now.
December 13th
I'd like you to remember me..
December 12th
Leave it up to me to fuck everything up.
December 11th
I mess up entirely too much..
December 10th
I know you're reading this... and I just want you to know that my only reason is that I'm afraid to be in love.
December 9th
I shouldn't feel guilty.
December 8th
Ready or not. Here. I. Come.
December 7th
How many times do I have to remind you? Just Relax.
Eight Days.
December 6th
For so many months and so many days I wish I could just die. And now that it could possibly happen, i'm scared and i can't help but cry. I need you now more then anything, yet you're taken and you can't even see me.
December 5th
When you're living day by day, as I am, and you have nothing to really look forward to, it makes you a bit insecure about everything. You start to realize that there is no real reason to be alive anymore. But then you question not only others, but yourself...wondering about the too many "what ifs." (this made no sense, i'm sorry.)
December 4th
December 3rd
I could teach you a thing or two.
December 2nd
I think laying in the middle of the road is a good place to be.
December 1st
Can you say addiction? Yes.
November 30th
November 29th
I think you were wrong, this IS the right answer. Don't deny it.
November 28th
Make all my dreams come true.
November 27th
I got in my last good bye, i watched you smile for the last time, i heard your voice in person for the last time...and i saw how much you're in love. And i'm finally at rest. That wasn't as easy as I imagined, but with time, all things will heal. Have a nice life.
November 26th
I need to stay away from you now...
November 25th
I shouldn't miss someone this much. I miss you such much it's starting to hurt. Why'd you have to leave so fast?
November 24th
I can't believe I was so naive.
November 23rd
I thought I would like me after all of this, but I still don't.
November 22nd
100% confidence boost today. :]
November 21st
Slamming the back of my head agaisnt hard sharp things isn't too smart. God, I'm brilliant.
Novemeber 20th
Being in love hurts just as much as not being in love.
November 19th
Forever is a long time....
November 18th
I'm in love, and you'll never know who I'm in love with. You couldn't even guess. I don't want to love you, not one bit.
November 17th
I've realized how much I hide my feelings, my true ones.
November 16th
And If you couldn't tell, i don't like you... at all.
November 15th
I hate feeling tired and dizy.
November 14th
Wouldn't you feel like shit if it actually happened?
November 13th
If tonight is in fact the night that it happens, I want everyone to know that I thank you for making my life a living hell. I'm sorry, and that I never liked any of you. Except for one person, and he knows who he is. I'm a liar, a cheater, a faker, but that's alright, because it'll all be over soon enough. I'm sorry, again. Goodbye.
November 12th
It bothers me when my neck gets wet. Hahaha.
November 11th
I'm such a coward.
November 10th
I'm so lonley.
November 9th
I really couldn't ask for better friends.
November 8th
"I bet if she dropped dead now, you wouldn't care."
"You're probably right, but don't tell her."
"Why bother being nice?"
"It's fun to watch her suffer."
November 7th
I like cold rain. :]
November 6th
I've tried telling you everything about me, and it seems like you aren't listening, because you still know nothing, and you're still as ignorant as before.
November 5th
How do you know if you're really in love? How do you know if it'll last? Love is a stupid and ridiculous concept. I'm starting not to believe in it.
November 4th
I feel nothing. There are no emotions involved with this day. Thank god.
November 3rd
I'm going to regrettttt this SOO much.
November 2nd
Don't say you know me. You don't fucking know anything.
November 1st
I want and need to fall in love. That's all I care about right now, that's not a good thing, especially when there are more important things to worry/care about.
October 31st
I throw myself at you and you still don't see me.
October 30th
Dizzy is good.
October 29th
My horse bit me, it didn't feel good. I don't usually cry over pain.. but that made me cry....
October 28th
I hate being cold, but i love sitting outside in the freezing wind with no jacket on and waiting until my entire body get's numb. it's the best feeling in the world.
October 27th
I guess you could say that I fell for someone, I fell for them a long time ago, but i'm denying my denial. There's also a slight problem... and it has to do with the person i fell for.
October 26th
I really, really, really wish i could tell the truth to people who mean the most. it seems like the more i care, the more i hide. i'm not lying, i'm hiding. i'm sorry.
October 25th
I never feel good anymore.
October 24th
First loves never die. That's the part that sucks.
October 23rd
I like being comfortable. You didn't make me feel comfortable. This isn't going to work. I miss someone else too much.
October 22nd
I hate change. I love familiarity.
October 21st
Even though I'm not replacing you... i still feel like i am. God -- I love you and miss you.
October 20th
Did you know that I actually DON'T like to be made fun off? Funny thing is...I have feelings.
October 19th
If i tell you that you're pretty/gorgeous/beautiful... just fucking believe me. I wouldn't lie to you about it.
October 18th
I want a real pearl necklace..with real pearls..they're so pretty.
October 17th
Everyone REALLY thinks this is the real me. Hah.
October 16th
It's true .."every new begining comes from some other beginings end."
October 15th
Please be happy wherever you end up, please promise me that. YOU were my true love. I'll miss you baby.
October 14th
Maybe I gave up too soon.
October 13th
Friday the 13th is my lucky day.
October 12th
I have a crush.....
on... a ... boy....
this is soooo weird.
October 11th
Maybe I should just stop talking to you forever. PSSSSH, yeah right.
October 10th
I really don't care about you...
October 9th
Please, tell me i'm the prettiest person you've ever met. that's all I want to hear from you.
October 8th
I don't like eye contact. If i've made eye contact with you.. ever.. you know you're something special.
October 7th
I changed my mind, I'm content with the friends I have.
October 6th
It's not that I feel weird when I'm with you, it's that I feel weird when I'm not with you.
October 5th
I'm going to be better this time.
October 4th
Just to let you know, i've already decided.
October 3rd
If I get the second chances I don't deserve, so do you.
October 2nd
I'm afraid to try new things.
October 1st
My mother is driving me insane.
September 30th
I'm afraid to go up the stairs in the dark.
September 29th
You're going to hurt me again, aren't you?
September 28th
It's easier to put me in a bad mood then a good one. So why am I so happy today? Nothing good happened.
September 27th
I don't want to look 13 anymore.
September 26th
There is no such thing as natural beauty.
September 25th
I deserved all of this. I'm a stupid girl. You'll never like me.
September 24th
"There's a hell of a lot more to me." You. Don't. Know. Me. Stop pretending you do.
September 23rd
I mean nothing to you.
September 22nd
I want you.. and you don't know it.
September 21st
I LOVE having my back rubbed. hahah
September 20th
I'm So Ugly. :-(
September 19th
If I wasn't sorry, if I didn't care, if I hated you, I wouldn't keep coming back.
September 18th
I've never actually met someone who thought that I was worth their time. I guess i'll just wait..
September 17th
morphiine liips:
[aka, me]

It's not important to me. The way i see it, the people i meet in highschool wont stay my friends forever, so i'm not sure i care.
September 16th
This shouldn't hurt.
September 15th
I'm not completely sure how to tell you this..I hope you know this is to you.
September 14th
You're going to be mad when i do this.
September 13th
I pick up little quirks from all my friends.
September 12th
Maybe it was for the best.
September 11th
I don't think this is going to work out.
September 10th
I can't explain how bad I feel about this. Something feels weird.
September 9th
I'm pretending that I'm not sick.
September 8th
I've never felt so alive. I've never NOT cared so much.
September 7th
Hold Your Head High, Heavy Heart.
September 6th
What I confess today is scary, but.. my old thoughts are coming back, and this time... nothing you can say will help.
September 5th
I really can't sing.
September 4th
I ain't 'fraid of no ghosts.
September 3rd
Sometimes i get to lazy to shower, and i have to be forced to do it.
September 2nd
That makes me laugh harder than i've laughed in a long time.
September 1st
I'm not really ashamed anymore.
August 31st, 2006
i'm afraid of sneezing.
August 30th, 2006
I Still want you.
August 29th, 2006
Guys completely turn me off. my last confession was a lie.
August 28th, 2006
I don't think i'm a lesbian..I'm becoming so confused.
August 27th, 2006
I never call people when i say i'm going to.
August 26th, 2006
I'm acting like i feel so much better without you...that's not true.
August 25th, 2006
I could fix it if i really wanted to.
August 24th, 2006
I thought i was ready, when in the end i'll never be ready for this.
August 23rd, 2006
Screaming makes me feel great.
August 22nd, 2006
I like someone I can't have.. ever.
August 21st, 2006
I want to meet someone new and different. I want to forget you like you've forgotten me.
August 20th, 2006
When i said that if you were happy, i'd be happy... i lied... big time. I'm miserable.
August 19th, 2006
I HATE driving. god damn it.
August 18th, 2006
I'm nervous... it's like old times.
August 17th, 2006
I've planned "someones" death once or twice... in detail.
August 16th, 2006
I suck at swimming.