My Blog
New York Timmy
So i'm moving to nyc this sunday. a tiny bit apprehensive, but excited. awesome job, awesome city. wish me luck!
Posted by on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 21:04:00 GMT
"can i play with the wishbone? us vegetarians never get to play with it. and i mean, it's not fair, really. just because we don't eat meat doesn't mean we don't like to play with the...
Posted by on Wed, 24 May 2006 16:06:00 GMT
i'm bored. and unhappy.
i hate everyone and everything. everybody keeps asking me what i'm doing after i graduate (in like 2 weeks) and i answer "probably going to develop a beer belly and start AA sessions." i h...
Posted by on Tue, 09 May 2006 14:43:00 GMT
Europe (London, Paris, Rome)
We went to london, paris, and rome. in that order. here are some pictures (there are a lot but many of them are really really good.)
Posted by on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 19:09:00 GMT
for those of you who were there, here are my pictures from it. they are all awesome (except a few of me that are really gross)
Posted by on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 19:57:00 GMT
new england
yuck. 2 saturdays ago my b/f dumped me for no apparent reason, leaving me with a 2 week gap in vacation plans. i already had another vacation laid out (for before ours), luckily, and so i just got b...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Aug 2004 14:01:00 GMT
good lord
sweet jesus, yet another easter has arrived, with the ever dwindling supply of candy. what the fuck is it? am i supposed to be giving other people candy? no. i want my own damn candy and all those...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Apr 2004 21:34:00 GMT
back to school in january
It's january. my hair is long and i've gone tanning. people either don't recogize me or run up to me and slobber all over my full length ralph lauren coat and burberry scarf shooting endearing remar...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2004 11:52:00 GMT
the 4th day of christmas or something
4 days before christmas. bored out fo my mind. i should have unpacked my things from the old apartment and sorted them out so idon't have 2 truckloads to take to the new center city apartment. i ha...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Dec 2003 14:01:00 GMT