Dancing, travel, friends and family, scrapbooking, hiking, football, and writing.
Condoleezza Rice--because it'd be fascinating to pick her brain; I love how diverse her interests are. Jodi Pichoult--because I admire her as an author. Reese Witherspoon--because she just seems cool. Prince William--because part of me still yearns to be a princess (officially). And my soul mate--self-explanatory.
I like a little bit of everything
Breakfast at Tiffany's, Clueless, Fargo, Dirty Dancing, Gladiator, Blackhawk Down, Chicago, Roman Holiday
Grey's Anatomy, SATC (even in reruns), The Shield, Entourage, Amazing Race and anything on MTV
Yes, please.
I'm a cheesy sentimentalist: Mom, Dad, the soldiers and marines serving around the world