About Me
I'm 18 and an Opal-October B-day!I have a MAN that I plan to keep for the rest of my Life! I love him lots!I Have a shity job but hey at least I got one!I Love to play & watch Basketball!I play softball...not to win but for shits and gigglesand it's fun!Going to Delta, I hope to play basketball there but I am lazy, so we'll see!I like the movies but not SCARY ones- Once I got so freaked out I almost passes out and was carried to the stairway, where I hurled a nice pile of sour
patch candies and Root Beer, oh also on a nice portion of my pants!!I do embarrassing things to myself and other people.Some say I'm PAINFULLY HONEST..but hey truth hurts...deal with it!LOL!I like to make people laugh usually by being to honest about them or other people.I have LOTS of friends, I'd List them but that would be to long and if I forgot one..HOLY SHIT that would suck! I'd list the people I hate but that would be mean so yeah...!Shit Happens...Deal With It!I'm usually home.. I'll be here until I'm 30 Probably- I love my mommy to much to leave!LOL! No really I do.Well if you think of anything good or bad about me let me know I'll put it in here!See Yah Later Gators, After While Crocodiles!