.. Im weird :D dont we all know it :D.. i go to champlain now.. jeez i should update more than like once a year.. (i think i spelled it right) anywayz.. a stupid english class incident inspired me to start my own myspace. lol ok shut up i know im weird. I like music. and Turtles. turtle club for life man! lol... ok ill shut up now
What`s your pimped out ghetto thug weapon?
The Car Key
You're in to brutally ripping apart people's faces with keys while they're down. No one knows how you got the key, cuz you're too much of a thug to own anything you'd need a key for. Oh well.
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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.Im so ghetto with the car keys beeyotch! lol
Your Suicide.. by Konstantine
Your Name/Username
Favorite Number?
Favorite Color?
How will you commit suicide? You will jump off of the nearest, highest building
How many tries will it take? 67
When will you commit suicide? April 23, 2018
What will your suicide note say? "Mother, Father .. where did we go wrong?"
Quiz created with MemeGen !
YESS THAT GIVES ME ANOTHER UMM.. wait let me get a calculator.. 14 YEARS! yaaaaaaaaaaaaay. ill be .. wait.. i need the damn calculator again.. haha ill be 30! lmao