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Thom Skellington

you can be my teacher, i'll do homework

About Me

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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

hmmm... that's a good question. Jack Skellington / Ashlee Simpson / Britney Spears / Christina Aguilera / Kelly Clarkson / Oprah / Sarah Michelle Gellar / Brad Pitt / Jennifer Aniston / Catherine Zeta Jones / Paris Hilton / Nichole Richie / Jude Law / Ben Affleck / the Golden Girls / Homeless People / Geena Davis / Julia Roberts / George Clooney / Demi Moore / Sarah Jessica Parker / Lindsey Lohan / Reese Witherspoon / Ryan Phillipe / Jessica Simpson / Mariah Carey.


Nightmare Before Christmas / Requiem for a Dream / 13 Going on 30 / Legally Blonde 1 & 2 / Beaches / The Family Stone / Finding Nemo / Wizard of Oz / My Best Friend's Wedding / Lord of The Rings 1,2,3 / The Notebook / Mean Girls / The Sweetest Thing / Enough / Steel Magnolias / Cabin Fever/ Two can play that game / Corpse Bride / Ghost Ship / Titanic / My Girl / Interview with The Vampire / Queen of the Damned / Pet Semetary/ Shrek 1 & 2 / Grandma's Boy/ A Cinderella Story / Freaky Friday / The Breakfast Club / Mona Lisa / The Omen / Forget Paris / UltraViolet / Harry Potter 1 2 3 4 / Marie Antoinette / Riding in Cars with Boys / and more to come.


Sex and the City / THE SIMPLE LIFE / Golden Girls / Oprah / Ugly Betty / Buffy The Vampire Slayer / Real World / Road Rules / Nip/Tuck / Weeds / Big Love / Dirt / American Idol / Grey's Anatomy


The Truth About Diamonds / The Devil Wears Prada / The Lovely Bones / The Racist Mind /Everyone Worth Knowing / A Night to Remember / The Bridge to Tarabithia / Lucky / font


My Mom / My Grandmother / My best friends and roommates / DL & Lauren / Hillary Clinton (I mean come on now she's a trooper) / Nicole Richie

My Blog


If We Had Sex.... GAME (Reply so only I see it and Repost so others can fill it out) DONT BE SCARED. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO REALLY WANTS TO DO YOU !1. Would you be in control?2. Would you pull my hair?3. ...
Posted by Thom Skellington on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 05:35:00 PST

Wanted: Sex Machine, Pronto, preferably new

So besides the fact that it is 6:11 a.m. and i haven't been asleep since 3:00 pm, yesterday, that is a total of 15 Hours I have been awake.  My body has yet to want, although it most likely needs...
Posted by Thom Skellington on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 03:27:00 PST

how people were created a theory by ME!

A Theory by Thomas Perreault   One day, God had some other things to do, so he asked a young and unexperienced Jesus to help him out making a few people, so he could meet his "peop...
Posted by Thom Skellington on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 03:08:00 PST

17 Questions about the 2nd person in your top 8

17 questions about the 2nd person in your top 81)What's their name?Danielle2) Do you trust him/her?she is my life of course i do3) Where did you meet?we used to live in the same neighborhood when we w...
Posted by Thom Skellington on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 12:47:00 PST


Have u ever...with ur top 8rules: -dont change your myspace top 8 -fill the people in below -answer the questions truthfully Number 1: JoshNumber 2: DanielleNumber 3: AmandaNumber 4: LaurenNumber 5: C...
Posted by Thom Skellington on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:58:00 PST

ahh wicked bored people...TRUE OF FUCKING FALSE?

You can only answer questions using TRUE and FALSE. You can't explain your answers either.I've consumed alcohol:TI've run away from home:FI have lied to my parents about where I am and who i'm with:TI...
Posted by Thom Skellington on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 09:55:00 PST

25 Questions....

01. First thing you did this morning?    - woke up with a hardon02. Last thing you ate?   - rice with soy sauce03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?  - absolutey not it...
Posted by Thom Skellington on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 09:35:00 PST

boys fucking suck!!!

BOYS FUCKING SUCK!!! (Exclamation POINT) Ok.. so here goes i dont fucking understand why guys suck so much these days seriously? like can we talk about that for just a moment... What my Theory is... ...
Posted by Thom Skellington on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 11:18:00 PST

pathetic friends... i think soo

For starters... The evening was lovely, made a delicious dinner.. went "window shopping" as the common world says it. Grabbed 1 small cup of ice cream for myself, and 2 for my accomplice. Walked up...
Posted by Thom Skellington on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 07:05:00 PST

Check out this event: MY B_DAY!!!

Hosted By: TommyWhen: Saturday Oct 08, 2005 at 10:30 PMWhere: Everywhere Downtownask me (undecided)Providence, RI 02903USDescription:Tommy Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Thom Skellington on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 04:34:00 PST