Well i like plenty of kool shit. i am in a gang called the OWG's (lol). we roll deep.I love to skate. I skate almost everywere i go. (FUCK TEXAS) giz.....My nigga dus-10 martinez...GAY.!.!.i like long walks on the beach and candel lit diners with my frineds.i also like sex!!!!
I'd like to meet a drunk pony, Jerry springer,and a little white dog named mike.
my favorite rap artists are lil whyte and frayser boy. i know im a lil wigger aint i. But i do like some rock too like, ill nino
My favorite movie is probalby gonna be haggard. But i also love beauty and the beast, chicken run and 10,000 anal maniacs...giz
viva la bam, jackass and pretty mutch anything on mtv
i dont like them
My Girlfriend Christine Lynn Schenck hero...superman. He has saved my ass more than i can remember. He is always there for me when i need him. A shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to when i am depressed. and also the number one hero i have is my friend mikle grillo. he holds me when im in pain and i love him for it very mutch.