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About Me

HeLLo tHeRe!! Ü Im MiCheLLe.. My cLosE fRieNdS CaLL Me MiCh, MiChi oR mEe-ShELL... iM a 17 yEar-oLd fResHmaN sTUdEnT aT de La SaLLe UniVerSitY dAsMaRiNas taKinG uP huMan biOLogY... i LOVe my FriEnds, mY fAmiLy, SUPERFRIEND and PEoPLe WHo LoVe Me BaCk... iM a FrIEndLy PerSon, sOme SaY i aM DePenDaBLe, bUT thE tRuth iS i ReALLy LoVe hELpiNg PeoPLe... i'M a MooDy pErsoN anD i AdMiT thAt i Can EaSiLy CrY EvEn oVeR tHe smALLeSt tHiNgS... i LovE suRfINg thE nEt anD uPdATing My pRofILe... i LovE mUsIC! iTs mY LiFe! i aLso LoVe TakINg piCtuReS!!

ViSit My bLoG [http://intoxicatedmichi.blogspot.com]
aNd mY MuLtiPLy [http://intoxicatedmichi.multiply.com]

My Interests

*cUte guyS*inTernet*YM*Music*ChoColAtes*TV*CeLLphOne*PictureS*QuoT es*iCOns*BloGgiNg*SOunDtriP*

I'd like to meet:

AnYoNe!! HoW aBouT You? ;)

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[i LoVe mY fRiEnDs!!] ;)

My Blog

one of my fave songs today!! A Little Bit by MYMP... aww... :(

MMYP - A Little Bit A Little Bit I was kinda hesitant to tell you Should I let you know I was never really like this before Need I say more Or maybe I'm confused when you are near ...
Posted by MiCHi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST