Abbie profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

iM onLy turning 15.. payat.. may pR0bLem s eye visi0n.. siMpLe Lng (pR0 pagdatiNg s nEatness &hygiEne, maaRte tLga k0h).. mKuLit.. maiNgay.. (pRo d ak0 nhuhuLi ng tcheR, uNg kaUsap k0 Lng uNg LgiNg nppagaLitaN) hehe.. LgiNg tWa ng tWa &miNsaN weiRd p mga hiRit.. mLakas diN maNg-asaR (i caN b uR sweetest nightmare anyway) pLagiNg naNgangatwiRan bsta aLam k0ng may p0int sinasabi k0.. hehe.. oLweiZ happy pRo miNd u, mbabaw Luha k0 at mxad0 k0ng ma-seNti.. hehe.. pg badtRip s0bRang 0bvi0us ksE 2LaLa ak0 at tahiMik pLagid.. hehe.. uN Lng..

My Interests

piNk stUffs, s0uNdtRipiN esp. wen it coms 2aLteRnative p0p type of mUsic, astRoLogy (m kiNda suPerstiti0us.. hehe! but i d0n't reLy oN dem 4my destiNy.. just f0r fuN!) aNd ch0coLates (hErsheys kisSes, m&m's, t0bLer0ne, cRuNch, twiX, maLteseRs, cLoUd 9 & feRRer0)

I'd like to meet:

i like pe0pLe hu r gUd iN c0nveRsati0n &easy 2get aLong wid. but im riLy off LiMits s mga "plastic" at mhiLig "maNiRa ng repUtasy0n ng ibaNg ta0.."


Let mE b d1 by jiMmy b0nd0c.. thR0ugh the raiN by maRiah.. a th0usaNd miLes by vaNessa caRLtoN.. g0odbye 2u, eveRywheRe, aLL u waNted by miCheLLe bRaNch.. my haPpy eNdiNg, d0n't teLL mE by avRiL.. eVeRytiMe by bRitNey.. LatEr by fRa Lipp0 Lippi.. iRis by g0o g0o d0LLs.. freshMen by veRve pipE.. uNweLL, if uR g0ne by matchb0x 20.. haLfLife, baReLy bReathiN by duNcaN sheik.. she wiLL b LovEd by maRo0n 5.. daRe u 2move by switchf0ot.. viNdicated by dashboaRd c0nfessi0naL.. br0keN by seEtheR ft. aiMee Lee, my imm0rtaL by eVanesceNce.. ouR Lives, wheReveR u wiL g0, stigMatiZe by thE caLLiNg.. kisapMata by riveRmaya.. masaya by baMboo.. teLep0no by sugarfRee..


a waLk to reMembeR..


sp0ngebob squaRepaNts..