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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi my name is Sean Daly. Im 4'9 and I play mostly all sports. I like music and hanging out with my friends. I go to Jtl and im not 100 im 13. I like girls alot and doing science stuff. School is ok and im on most of the school sport teams. No one calls me sean they call me Sean Daly,So thats mostly all of me.

My Interests

I like science and sports mostly. I also like school and girls and technology and History and my friends.

I'd like to meet:

If i had the chance to meet anyone it would probably be someone famous from the past or the future.


i like mostly all music but like country and stuff but yea i like all music pretty much I dont have to many favorites.


I like all movies basicly but my favorites would be scary and comedys.


I like comedy central and discovery and history channels and i like family guy and the simpsons and stuff like that.


Science and History and all books


Albert Enstein and major scientists and sports player and my Bro'a chris and nick