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My Interests

i love to play games and hang with friends, games as in cards texas holdem. Like outdoors stuff fishing, hikeing, camping( haven't done in years and need to!)
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pretty much anything pearl jam is great!!!!Jack Johnson, getting into country, hip hop,Kenny Chesney, Tim mcgraw, and Kenny Rodgers


scary movies and dramas. gotta love Quinton Terintino movies (Pulp fiction is a must have) classic. Also really enjoy Samuel L Jackson, Sandra Bullock, and many more, but these are my favorites!


the o.c, american idol, without a trace, lost, general hospital, csi, bones, and definetly lifetime movie network for woman


woman are from venus men are from mars duh!!! No I did just finish this book called The haunted by Heather Graham and it was really good so i guess i found a new author. My husband really enjoys John Grisham, I like his movies!!hint hint A time to kill, with my favorite actors Samuel,Matthew, and Sandra

My Blog


Digging deep Have you been through any major changes in the past 6 months?: Yes If so...anything worth mentioning?: I finally moved out of PSL and went to Jasper,Ga Did you tell your parents...
Posted by chelsie on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 10:16:00 PST


Hey everyone, I just wanted to update some of my info! Well we did it we moved to Georgia!! It's so beautiful here I love the mountains and actually haveing trees and landscaping. Something that Port ...
Posted by chelsie on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 08:38:00 PST