I'm really into fish tanks. And I have a orchid collection that I'm really proud of and a chill little garden on my porch. And going to the dog park is fun thing I like to do with my dog Chopper. Lately my thing is yoga and going to the spa when I can squeeze it in. I need sun as often as possible:) And if you want to know where I get my ink- check out Isaac Davis at Aces High, he fucking rules.
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I'd like to meet:
David Beckham in a jockstrap. And Jesse James can come by my house any time he wants to. I would also like to have him in my bed so if I can't sleep I'll just stare at his ass and read his tattoos until I pass out. Are you kidding, if Jesse James was in my bed there would be no sleeping. I also think hanging out with Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle would be very amusing. And I would also like to meet my dad. He died before I was born.
All of it is fun. Just please don't Christian Rock me. Honestly, I've tried and tried, I just hate Country music.
Grandma's Boy, Blades of Glory, Death at a Funeral, We Own the Night, Superbad, Reno 911, Hot Rod, Transformers, Supertroopers, Anchorman, Team America, Southpark Movie, Life Aquatic, Evolution, Scary Movie, Deadman on campus, PCU, Idle Hands, American Werewolf in Paris, anything with Arnold, White Chicks, X-Men, Gardenstate, Godfather (I and II), Hotel Rwanda, Last King of Scottland, 28 Days Later, Resident Evil 1+2+3?, Underworld, Bram Stroker's Dracula, Sin City, Saun of the Dead, Mars Attacks, Death Becomes Her, Raising Arizona, Space Balls, Robin Hood Men In Tights, LA Story. I HATE chick flicks, puke
I like all cartoons, South Park, Drawn Together, Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, King of The Hill, Bevis and Butthead. Chapelle Show, Late Night with Dave Atell, Talk Soup, Flava of Love(short lived but never missed an episode), the 4400. And I watch alot of science programs-CSI, Forensic Files, Cold Case, Without A Trace, all that crap. I love my HBO shows like Sopranos, Weeds, Californication, Rome, and Big Love, etc. I hate all that Sex and the City Desparate Housewives shit. But I do have to admit I like my Top Design, Project Runway and Top Chef. I think I watch too much TV. Good or bad that I have Tivo?
I like the Stephen King, but then I hide under my sheets. And I like my "good thought for the day" reads. The Kite Runner, A Million Little Pieces even though the author's a big fat LIAR. I also like healthy diet and lifestyle books and most reads about recovery ;) And yeah I read Harry Potter, I'm a dork. HA HA