MELINA profile picture


dont u want u want to dance, say u want to dance, dont u want to dance

About Me

i go to monash, where i study business and commerce. its hell boring. when im not being bored there, im being even more bored at bardot. also known as my place of income. this involves alot of standing,and alot of praying. i pray that every other friday, when the big money man puts cash into my account, there is enough for me to act upon my 2 secret loves.. vodka musk stick infusions and FUN! i like my friends, and i like my boyfriend. that is prety much me..oh and so is the photo below..yes i know, it sums be up quite well!

My Interests

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Which 'Friend' are you?

You are a Chandler!
You are most commonly found to be the joker in the pack. You aren't very confident around the oppposite sex, but once you mate, you mate for life. Although you can be a little self absorbed at times you will build friendships that will last for life.
How do you compare?
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