Nature, reading, playing with my kids, smooching with my hubby, fine dining at Casa De Vassallo with Chef Rigzin, and crunching numbers at work.
New and old friends.
I like all kinds of music. Especially groovey tunes from the U.K. and classic alternative...I guess that's what it's called (Am I that old?) No hard hard gangster rap, metal, etc.
Action flicks, girl movies with comedy (so Rigzin will watch them), int'l favorites are: Y Tu Mama Tabien and Amelie.
Rome, Survivor Man, cash cab...almost everything on the discovery channel, Deadwood, The Apprentice, and I admit it....HGTV.
I love to read random non-fiction books. Theres so much to learn, I don't have time for fiction.
My teacher, Jigme Rinpoche and H.H. Dalai Lama.