I enjoy listening to music all types just ask me, I like video games I also like conversation any kind. I do like a lot of the cartoons my son is into
Def Jam Poetry - Gemineye "Poetic Bloodlines"
cool people
I have Defari, royde da5'9, tom petty, old matellica, Earth, wind and Fire and alot moreu=YUhSMGNEb3ZMMk52Ym5SbGJuUXViVzkyYVdWekxtMTVjM0JoWTJVdV
mp;d=116" />
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Ghetto Remix - Akon Notorious B.I.G 2pac
I like all types of movies as long as it is a good movie I can enjoy it
I watch smallville religiously I try to catch George lopez, MXC, and according to jim
the first book I ever remeber enjoying was "where the red fern grows" I mostly read text books now. I am currently reading off and on "Animal Farm" again I am enjoy philosophy and anything that makes me think.
Hanging From The Cross