Rekkah profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm Rekkah. (a.k.a. Rekk, Pinky)
I'm almost seventeen, and somehow, where ever I go or whatever I do, I'm the youngest.
I'm currently at the Metropolitan College in Glasgow, doing a Creative Crafts course, and hoping to go on to do the Photography HND. ( And I bloody better because I just spent 700 quid on a digital SLR camera )
I work in the Revenue in Cumbernauld. It's soul destroying, but I've met so many great people through it. The moneys not bad, but somehow I'm always skint. I tend to spend all my money as soon as I get it. Mainly on clothes ( that I seem to wear once and forget about ) and drink ( that half the time isn't even for me).
I smoke. Preferably Marlboro reds, but due to constant lack of cash it tends to be scummy Mayfair. I've tried to give up but I have the willpower of something with very little willpower. Been smoking nearly 5 years now, and you can tell when I reguarly choke my guts up. Annoyingly though, my voice is still as high pitched as ever.
I drink. A lot. Mainly cause I'm unbelievably shy. ( Yeah, looks can be decieving. )
I don't eat that often. Again with the looks can be decieving.. ha.
As you can probably tell I don't really care what anyone thinks of me. I have no shame and I'm not ladylike in the slightest. I seem to forget how short my skirts are.
I'm a human pin cushion with sixteen piercings - only a few more to come then I'm done. Well.. maybe. Want tattoos as well, but despite having hundreds of ideas I can't seem to get anything on paper. My dad did all my piercings ( bar my nipple, course ). He has his own shop, Metalurgey, in Dundee.
I love going out dancing. I can't dance ( despite going to a dance school when I was younger ), but wild flailing arms comes with the lack of shame. Favourite place to be though is a good gig. I've seen and met loads of bands, I've literally lost count. But no, I'm not a groupie. I have more respect for myself than that. ( Not much, but still, enough. ) My uncle is a tour manager, so I get passes and stuff for lots of gigs. I love everything to do with the music business, and it's primarily the line of photography I want to get into.
I'm a total geek. I'm actually obsessed with Buffy & Angel. And I have the special edition Star Wars Trilogy. I go to conventions. Say whatchya want, I met Anthony Stewart Head ( Giles. ), John Rhys Davies ( Gimli ) and Robert Englund ( Freddy Krueger ) and you never. God, I even have braces and thick rimmed glassed. It aint a good look, trust me.
I play the drums and the clarinet. Though any stories you may have heard relating to me and a clarinet just arn't true. I mean, have you seen all the buttons on that thing?
I have an obsession with Horror. Freddy Krueger is the man. All the oldies are the best. Frankenstein, Evil Dead, Dawn of the Dead, etc. Zombies rule. As do the Munsters. And Vampira. Her wait = ooft. I myself have a 20 inch wait with corsets. :)
Despite what you might think I'm not a total braindead bitch. ( A in Higher English and everything. ) I have a hella lot of opinions. Just not a lot of morals I guess..
Mainly why a lot of people can't stand me. I find it hard to like people. I like to be around happy, funny, likeminded people. I've spent too long with boring depressing assholes. Generally 99% of the female population is scum. They're all insane bitches. I am one, I should know. But the girls I do like are immense.
My friends mean so much to me. I'm a sappy cow.
If you want to know any more, get in touch. Though I doubt you will, I've just practically gave you my life story.
I will eventually get round to messaging you back. Unless the message consists of 'Hi, how are you?', or 'show us yer tits'. Though the latter might spark some abuse. I'm just really lazy with myspace. I always have my phone GLUED to my hand though, so that's the best way to get in touch with me.
Don't have my number?
P.S. - Suede Denim Secret Police Rock.
^ Cousins band.
Don't add me without messaging me first.
I'm usually pretty lazy when it comes to replying to messages, but if it's worth it, I will.
And bands, don't add. No point. I have no sound.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm so lovesick, sick of you.



My Blog


Are shit.Ha.. not really I suppose.. but fuck, man, that's the second person this week, in the space of 24 hours actually, that's asked me if there's even any point in us being friends.Guess not if th...
Posted by Rekkah on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 04:46:00 PST

In college

And bored.And I got ID'd fer FAGS last night. :-|I had ID as well, but apparently they only accept passports. I was ragin.Think I'm goin ti see Spence face the night, after I see Kattikins.Yay.Random ...
Posted by Rekkah on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 02:25:00 PST


Yo. Just to let y'all know.. It's my birthday next month. ( Exactly a month tomorrow. )Club Noir is 5 days after it. That seems to be the plan. I think.Pub > Club Noir > Mine? I'll have more details a...
Posted by Rekkah on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 02:11:00 PST

No offence..

.. but people who have captions in their pictures saying 'comment this one please', etc.   ..needy much?
Posted by Rekkah on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 12:30:00 PST

Know what?

I know / knew a lot of dobbers.Majority of my ex's? Dobbers. Or crazy lunatics who actually need locked up - who tried to convince me that I was the mad one.Starting to get a grip on stuff. See who I ...
Posted by Rekkah on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:55:00 PST

I have..

Aids.   Except not really. But new pictures in every folder. I'm not expecting comments. Don't so much want them anyway as they're usually shit. 'Nice' doesn't exactly get me excited ye' see.But ...
Posted by Rekkah on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:01:00 PST


Randomly in the mood for a drink. It's 20 to 5 in the morning. Either I'm an alcoholic and not fully aware of it yet....or I should get to my bed and just shut up.   I'm crazy tired.And I wa...
Posted by Rekkah on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 08:41:00 PST


Today was actually immense. :D Was WELL excited this mornin'.. like a wee kid at Christmas. ( Yer I know I'm sad. :P )Took pure ages to get to Braehead, but eventually we got there and found the arena...
Posted by Rekkah on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 02:07:00 PST


Fucked about with my profile a bit tonight. Well, this morning. I havn't slept yet. It's 5 to 7. AM. Lol.. oops.I'm actually going to write a bit on my page though, bout moi. When I've had sleep / can...
Posted by Rekkah on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 11:04:00 PST

Flatmate Hunt.

So I'm wanting to move out. :)Starting college in the Met on September 3rd, and I just want my own lil' place to call home to be honest. My dad said he'd buy the place.. but I'd need to pay the mortga...
Posted by Rekkah on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 06:57:00 PST