♥you can call me ♥baby d, or sex kiitten.. ♥iim legal :]//16. ♥i say nigga && im white. ♥my AIM sn iis Cheeky Scrippa ♥my MSN addy iis [email protected] ♥i dropped out of Milford Highschool. ♥ I lived with my bestfriend. ♥my sign is aquarius ♥im spoilled && a bitch. ♥ive had a few run ins wit tha police, never arrested. ♥i L0VE to party && hang out wiit my friends. its my fav past time. i love to get really fucked up! ♥i smoke cigs, drink rarely, && do some other shit. ♥i have alot of friends, but only some are real friends. i kno who my true friends are. ♥ i have fake friends. that think that i think theyre real. but i can be just as fake back :] ♥i like to dye my hair. its been many diff colors, red, burgundy, blue, pink, brown, purple, orange, blonde. ♥i fake tan. ♥i love rap music, r&b, && hip hop. its pretty much the only thing i listen to. ♥im not emotional when it comes to boys. ♥ive been in love. ♥ive had my heart broken. ♥i dont care what people think. ♥i love to shop!! ♥i like my family most of the time. but they get on my nerves. they are weird. ♥i have 2 cats. ♥i have temper. ♥ima sex addict. ♥i like it rough. ♥i do what i want when i want. ♥i love to dance. ♥i sing && dance in tha shower. ♥make up is tha greatest thing ever invented. i had lots of it ♥i believe in God. i believe ima go to heaven when i die. ♥i want t0 die in my sleep. ♥ive d0ne many things i regret. ♥i live in Highland Greens ♥ima h0nest pers0n. ♥i have my n0se pierced. s00n t0 be als0 t0ngue. ♥im scared 0f needles. ♥i d0nt like bugs theyre gross. ♥im p0lish, indian && german. ♥i want t0 find a "g00d" guy. it seems thats alm0st fuckin imp0ssible. ♥my eyes are green. ♥i want a breast reducti0n. ♥ive cheated on b0yfriends. ♥i can be vi0lent at times. ♥ive 0nly read 3 b00ks. ♥i say dumb things. like "what kinda tuna is this?" ♥i believe in true love ♥i wish that i could be a virgin agian. that w0uld be nice ♥i was a cheerleader, i did gymanstiics, && dance ♥i like t0 be independent. ♥im very outspoken!