"When I die, I hope that they bury me face-down so that anyone who doesn't like me can kiss my ass." -Red Foreman (That 70's Show)
I was a child prodigy on the piano when I was very little, ages four on up, before quitting absolutely everything I was gifted in during a wreckless teenage fit done purely out of spite. Nowadays, I'm just a common loser, and I'm loving every minute of it. Below is a brief list of my most prominent traits and quirks. *Ahem*
I love Diet Coke just for the taste of it.
I'm a proud mother of five. None of my children are human though.
I dig pale scrawny guys.
However, a scrawny guy with a beer gut is a plus.
I don't like my women too skinny though, and I prefer women of color.
I love dogs.
I hate using other people's towels to dry my hands.
The sound of a vacuum cleaner makes me cringe.
I have a fascination with the male voice.
Chances are, you probably bullied me around in school.
Now, a list of words that can be used to describe me.
First the nouns: ex child prodigy, heiress, bassist, machinist, painter, pianist, pervert, enigma, bisexual, drinker, smoker, mutt, TEXAN, weirdo, talk-too-mucher, thinker, day dreamer, LEO, fag hag.
Now the adjectives: loyal, vengeful, stubborn, silly, industrious, strange, twisted, sarcastic, demented, playful, loud, impish, charming, ultimately hypocritical when all is said and done.
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You scored as Violent. You are violent. To you there is nothing better than a good spank. You like scratching and biting 'cause that's what people are for.
What is your sexual style?
created with QuizFarm.com
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
If I ever meet this girl I'm so gonna do her!
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