Tokyo Jo profile picture

Tokyo Jo

"Melonoma. Uncle Moley's wart."

About Me

I really enjoy all things musical. I also love boys with scruff. I hate it when I have to leave. I once won $100 in a "booty shakin" contest. I am extremely extroverted, but the times when I am alone are my favorite. I used to draw brains for a living. I love my dad's cooking more than any food I have ever had. My smile takes up 1/3 of my face. I can play Pachelbel on the violin. I love to be picked up off the ground. 1/2 of my family lives in Greece. I wear horizontal stripes more than anything else...and when I go to the store, I just end up buying more horizontal stripes. I am obsessed with the elderly. Every day I think about the dog I am going to rescue. I like scaulding hot showers that could set me ablaze. I drive a hybrid- but I also have a scooter. I put cheese on everything. There aren't many things I enjoy more than snowboarding. I am one of those horrible people who genuinely love people in general. I laugh at inappropriate times a lot...especially if I am nervous. I can't pay attention for very long. My parents still argue about whether my middle name is "Aphrodite". If I could go everywhere in costume, I would. I usually like to get way deeper than surface level really fast...some people hate that (especially in LA). My parents had matching orange and brown pintos when I was born. I am unusually skilled at rhyming and pogosticking. Words can't express my love for my big brother or my grandmammy. I can say all 50 states in alphabetical order in one breath (well, maybe 2). I love games and trivia all the time. I have recurring nightmares that the trees from the Wizard of Oz are trying to reach in my windows and pull me out of bed. The more plants the better. PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests

the problem is that i am interested in everyone and everything. i am fascinated with so much. maybe a better category would be, what aren't my interests. i would then have to say....i dunno....meanies?

I'd like to meet:

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Bowie, Buckley, Radiohead, Queen, Led Zep, Mars Volta, Stevie, Bad Religion, Flogging Molly, Alkaline Trio, T-Rex, The Killers, Saves the Day, Beatles, Fiona, Weezer, TMBG, Pretenders, Gypsy Kings, Johnny Cash, Maroon 5, Sarah Bareilles, Elvis Costello, Rilo Kiley, Duran Duran, Billy Joel, Bjork, Supergrass, Bill Withers, Souixse and the Banshees, Sinatra, Clash, Hundred Reasons, Tenacious D, John Denver, Natalie Cole, Janis Joplin, Damien Rice, most showtunes, Unwritten Law, Engine Down, Lagwagon, Knife Fight, Fugazi, anything 80's really, Blur, Mars Volta, Pixies, Jackson 5, Kool and the Gang, Prince, Ray Charles, The Annie Soundtrack, too many....looking for a genre or pattern? Not gonna find one.


My my...again, in no order: Into the Wild, Walk the Line, Goonies, Wildcats, Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, In America, Shawshank, Braveheart, Beetlejuice, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Ghostbusters, Coming to America, Finding Neverland, Godfather, Rushmore, The Life Aquatic, Royal Tenenbaums, True Romance, Moulin Rouge, Romeo and Juliette, Constant Gardner, Shakespear in Love, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask, Amelie, Basketball Diaries, Bachelor Party, Catch Me if You Can, It Happened One Night, The Big Chill, Say Anything, Wet Hot American Summer, Contact Summer Rental, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, Oliver, Annie, ET, Star Wars, Can't Buy Me Love, Groundhog Day, Eternal Sunshine, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Lucas, Some Kind of Wonderful, Kung Fu Hustle, South Park the Movie, Christopher Guest films, Whalerider, My Cousin Vinny, America Beauty, Forest Gump, Donnie Darko...I have to finish this later


I would like to only watch reruns of all the shows that I grew up with: Who's the Boss, Cosby Show, Golden Girls, Full House, Family Ties, Growing Pains, Cheers, 227, Night Court (), Murder She Wrote, Saved By the Bell, What's Happenin?, The Jeffersons, Good Times, Mama's Family, Punky Brewster (the show and the cartoon), Webster, Different Strokes, California Dreams, Bev. 9er, Melrose Pl....the good stuff.


Eat Pray Love, Three Cups of Tea, Valley of the Dolls, Harry Potter, The Prophet, 7 Habits, Franny and Zooey, Catcher in the Rye, Raise High the Roofbeam Carpenter, The Glass Castle, Memiors of a Geisha, Steppenwolf, Post Office, The Portrait of Dorian Gray, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Siddhartha, The Alchemist, Tuesdays with Morrie, i dunno. ...those are the only ones that I can see from here.


Melissa Stecher, Jocelyn Diaz, Amanda Lewis, Mia Chung, Meme Fehmers