Nizzzzzz profile picture


I don't sell crack.. I'm a prostitute.

About Me

My first love is music, I have a degree in music ed, but don't teach - great way to blow thousands of dollars in student loans. I do have a full-time day job though, practice, and play alot of shows with many different groups. Creating and performing music is as important to me as breathing. Currently I'm writing my own songs and making a record as Asterales , (slowly but surely). I have songs up on my Asterales page- these are songs that I wrote in February for the RPM Challenge . Some will end up on the full length record being released tentatively in September on Mixtape Meditation , with help from Mixtape Soundlab . I'm also currently writing and peforming with OK Jones , Tanner Walle , Sellout! , and Julia Peterson and the Breaks. The Wobbly H has decided to call it quits after three years of drunken madness and New Year's Eve was our last show. If you never saw us, you missed out or didn't, depending on the night and the amount of booze. My goal for 2007 is to build on the successes of 2006. Message or comment me about the record, as it will help keep me focused and give me someone to answer to besides my own damn self!I love mi novia attractiva Amber, life, friends, music, and family...This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5

My Interests

Music, Skiing, friends

I'd like to meet:

Cool people, Josh Eustis , Charles Cooper


Beatles, Telefon Tel Aviv, Jeff Buckley, Bjork, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, James Brown, Portishead, Radiohead, The Allman Brothers, Frou Frou, Uncle Tupelo, Crawling With Kings, The Anniversary, Graham Parker, Bic Runga, Coldplay, Sigur Ros, Boards of Canada, Herbie Hancock, Chic Corea, Death Cab for Cutie, Matthew Sweet, Steely Dan, Gruvis Malt, Mars Volta, Mercury Program, Smashing Pumpkins, not much I don't like... I can say that my favorite band in the world is Radiohead. I was raised on the radio (remember that song from Fast Times at Ridgemont High? WORD!), the first TAPES! I owned were Michael Jackson's "Thriller", Huey Lewis and the News' "Sports" and Metallica's "Ride the Lighting". Smashing Pumpkins, Pink Floyd, and Rush were all time highschool favorites, after that it all exploded and my interests keep expanding.


Royal Tennenbaums, Rushmore, Office Space, Old School, Happy Gilmore, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Almost Famous, Zoolander, Ocean's Eleven, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Big Lebowski, The Wedding Crashers, Spinal Tap.


Arrested Development(all 3 seasons on DVD), Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Daily Show, Family Guy, Aqua Teen HF, Mr. Show, CSpan. But not much right now - I moved into a place that doesn't have cable. We could but we just don't for some reason. And actually, it's OK.


The World is Flat, What's the Matter with Kansas?, Lost Horizon, The Hobbit, Angels and Demons, Blink, The Tipping Point, Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs


Those who sacrifice everything for someone they don't even know and most likely will never meet. Also, Telefon Tel Aviv and The Album Leaf .

My Blog

First proper record update

So I don't do this too often, but as I expect to pimp myself much more in the coming months I thought I'd try to start in case anyone really cares... ha! Right. The sonic adventure is a 12 track downt...
Posted by Nizzzzzz on Sun, 20 May 2007 03:41:00 PST

New songs and such and thus far..

So in February I did the RPM Challenge.  Here's me. Cool thing to do, and now I have 8 new songs! If you like them please let your other friends know about them - this page needs some traffic dam...
Posted by Nizzzzzz on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 02:21:00 PST

Shows and such....

Upcoming shows: Fri Jan 12  w/ OK Jones in Salina, KS Fri Jan 19  w/ Julia Peterson and the Breaks @ The Bottleneck (w/ In the Pines from KC) Fri Jan 26  w/ Sellout! @ Th...
Posted by Nizzzzzz on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 07:17:00 PST