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Bold Me.

About Me

Getting punched in the face never bothered me. In the tradition of counting beans, one always separates them first by color then by size. For if you don't, the meal will become a reminder of what life is like being single.
just look below. jaimephoto.com
Aol IM = inhaler97

My Interests

Non fiction, Planned urban settings, farms, rolling hills, Valley Forge, Photography photography photography, technology, subcultures (subbacultcha), undercultures, things that are red, things and black Goddard, films, and more.

I'd like to meet:

J.B., Vito, and a bunch of fictitious or dead people.



400 blows, The Passenger, Blow up, Lost in Translation, Quadrophenia, The Shining, Pretty Dirty Things, The Hudsucker Proxy, Mystery Train, abre los ojos, Don Hertzfeld, Zombie flicks, Vampire flicks, The unknown, Solaris (both versions have their ups and downs.),


---this american life on the NPR.--- ---bbc news---


mostly anything by Baudrillard, Derrida, Palahniuk, Walter Benjamin, H.S. Thompson, Klosterman (kind of so so with him), Paul Auster, Phillip K. Dick, Foucault, David Bohm, Alva Nöe, Susan Sontag, Kristeva, NY times, Freud, Heidigger.

My Blog

you should all know..

my real blog is at www.jaimephoto.com/blogwww.jaimephoto.com/blogwww.jaimephoto .com/blogwww.jaimephoto.com/blogwww.jaimephoto.com/blogwww.j aimephoto.com/blogwww.jaimephoto.com/blogwww.jaimephoto.com/ b...
Posted by jaime on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 10:33:00 PST

So, I love a dead girl ok?

ISO a person who a) owns, or b) can get Elisabeth Subrin's The Fancy.No Greek, and will be grateful for any leads as to where I can obtain a copy of this documentary (be it rented or purchased)....
Posted by jaime on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 09:22:00 PST


R.I.P.even though he was 77, and had all sorts of health problems, Im still bummed out.the article, for those who don´t know....
Posted by jaime on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 02:59:00 PST


woody guthrie...Today has been a lonesome day..Today has beeen a lonsesome day..Today has been a lonesome day..and it looks like tomorrow will be the same old day.Did you ever hear a church bell toll ...
Posted by jaime on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:14:00 PST

TAg Karma

so I've been tagged twice, and I guess ill write down some shit here, so that you can know more crap about me, that you didn't know about.These are the rules..write down six interesting facts on your ...
Posted by jaime on Sat, 20 May 2006 07:52:00 PST


Ive been having a series of dreams that involve me being best friends with Lindsay Lohan of all people.???
Posted by jaime on Mon, 15 May 2006 04:10:00 PST

ha. a local saying.

So there is this saying thats been going around plenty out here on the enchanted island (Puerto Rico) that goes "De Arbol Caido, hacemos leña." Roughly translates to From a fallen tree, we all make ...
Posted by jaime on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST