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About Me

heyy the names taryn alexander♥I have brunette hair but i act blonde. I ♥ to play basketball.im in 7th grade and i go to bently. I ♥ to be with my friends.katie thompson hannah misner hannah coates lindsay reynolds shawna reed melissa kelly and helena snider.. but katie is the coolest =) i talk alot. and i laugh alot. so get used to it =). I ♥ to talk to anyone. My screen name is bballlover394!
Stripes's Friend Space
Stripes has 1 friends.
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Who I'd like to meet:
taryn?'s Friend Space
taryn? has 5 friends.
Hannah ?
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taryn?'s Friends Comments
Displaying 50 of 104 comments View/Edit All
Jun 14 2006 3:43P
ugh!! i hate jerra.. at basketball camp she was telling everyone mean stuff about me... so now a whole bunch of ppl from other wels schoools think i am a snob and i am really mean to everyone!! ugh i hate her gurrr..
Jun 14 2006 2:50P
ok so i probley wont be able to hang out thursday friday or monday becuz those are the days i have tryouts... i am SOOOO nervous lol so ill talk to you later =)
Jun 13 2006 7:14P
i prolley cant cuz i have gay soccer AGAIN!!
Jun 13 2006 11:58A
hey i see you got a new layout!! so did i!! yay!! lol ?
Jun 13 2006 11:11A
i knoe your babysitting becuz me && cassie rode our bikes to your house to c if you could come over and your mom told me lol nuttin really is up with me im just really really bored!! i talked to kameron last night =)) it made my night lol ?
Jun 12 2006 6:52P
ok thats good i was freaking out for a second lol
Jun 12 2006 10:02A
umm... are you mad at me or something becuz im not even in your top friends anymore and yesturday i was your .. 1 but w/e
? Katie
Jun 11 2006 5:25P
hey you should put that pic of you and hannah on hannahs myspace so she can get a picture... lol
i ? you
Jun 11 2006 5:20P
Hey sweetie, I haven't seen you in a long time! Your myspace looks good! I love your pictures, too! Well, say hi to your whole family for me and be good! tehe. Dont give your parents too much trouble! lol. Take care sweetie! love ya, Anna
Crest- Herbal Essence.. shampoo & toothpaste in 1
Jun 10 2006 6:17P
aw thanx I like yours too!!! i like your song too!!!
? melissa
Jun 10 2006 12:37P
i knoe its reatrded isnt it?
heheh im so hyper right now
? katie
Jun 10 2006 12:06P
what do you meen... i put ashley and kelsey before you? ? ? and i knoe its not your fault it just sucks though =(( and i knoe i cant wait for next year either!! lol ttyl
taryn = the best friend a gurl could have =) ?
Jun 9 2006 12:20P
Jun 9 2006 11:51A
ok i kinda did all those comments back words
( haha what a blonde!! ) ... anyway make sure you read the one about being bored first and then move up to the top lol i am so dumb lol
taryn marie alexander ( t- slice) is my bff and always willl be
Jun 9 2006 11:49A
even though she put kenny before me in her survey about 20 random people =( lol just kidding ?
Jun 9 2006 11:47A

Jun 9 2006 11:47A
Jun 9 2006 11:46A
Jun 9 2006 11:45A
dude i am really really really really really really really x 12345678909876543119999999 bored! ugh i wish i didnt have a soccer game tonight we couldve went skating or suttin with kameron =)) well make sure you read all the comments i left becuz i am really bored so i am prolley gonna leave alot of em lol ttyl
? Katie
Jun 9 2006 9:58A
hey t- slice!! =) last night was fun... lol
so you need to change your headline so i can c what u r gonna putt lol ttyl
lyl Katie?
Jun 8 2006 2:20P
nooooooooo!!! there has to be another day... just make everyone wake up early!! you cant have it the 7th cuz ill still be gone no no no no no no no no this sux
Jun 7 2006 10:21A
so i c you r fixing your mysoace too.. so am i well lyl
? Katie
Jun 7 2006 9:05A
ok i emailed bekahs to you but i dont knoe stefis so you should ask hannah coates for stefs cuz i think she knoes it..
luv ya tons && tons
Jun 6 2006 4:42P
hey taryn!! you will never guess who got online when yyou werent on!??!??!?!?! BEKAH!! i knoe weird right? RIGHT lol she takes forever to type back though lol
i luv my best friend taryn fricken alexander ?
Jun 6 2006 4:40P
hey taryn!! you will never guess who got online when yyou werent on!??!??!?!?! BEKAH!! i knoe weird right? RIGHT lol she takes forever to type back though lol
i luv my best friend taryn fricken alexander ?
Jun 6 2006 1:07P
oo but you haaaave to!!!!!! otherwise i cant come to see my beloved best friend and boy friend lol i am so hyper right now!!
but sseriosly you have to ask if u can! !
luv ya gurlie ?
Jun 6 2006 12:24P
do u think you could have it on like the 9th or 10th instead cuz me and my family are going camping until july 8th... i hope you can =) ok so ill talk to you later... =))
bff ?
Jun 6 2006 12:07P
yupp ur welcome!! = )
Jun 6 2006 12:03P
haha cool!!!
have fun with the party!! lol
Jun 6 2006 11:58A
lol it was soo much funn!!
and haha..my team got first too! lol
yah i got outta school last friday
how about you?

My Interests


top 20 friends
think of 20 random people you know
1: kenny
2: katie
3: kameron
4: bekah
5: jesse
6: sam
7: brandon
8: hannah c.
9: hannahm.
10: lindsay
11: spencer
12: melissa
13: megan
14: jarrett
15: grace
16: mckenna
17: kayla
18: tyler
19: kaylie
20: ronnie
how did you met 1: threw school
have you ever had a crush on 5: no way
who have you known the longest on the list: 12-16,20
is 4 funny: sometimes
have you ever been to 8 house: yah
is 9 nice: not all the time
is 17 cute: as a friend
would 2 and 9 make a cute couple: yah jk
is 12 cool: no jk ((she is my aunt))
have u ever been sexual with 4: eww no
has 3 ever dated 6: nooo
have you ever liked 19: as a cousin
have you ever kissed 7: nooo way eww
is 10 short: no not at all(( runs in the family))
is 11 rich or poor: idk
when's 13s b-day: 8/22/96
have you ever been to 20 house: yes
is 15 pretty: very
is 18 your friend: yah
wat would u do if 14 and 16 were goin out: groos they r brothers && sis
whos cuter 3 or 10: if i had to choose #3
is 9 cute: nooo way
is 14 sexy: very hehehe((if you know me then you know why))
if you were stranded on an island with 12 would u be happy: i guess
wat would u do if 14 died: ball my eyes out ((hes my bro))
if you find out tomorrow that u have 30 days left to live would u tell # 2: duhh(( y wouldnt i tell my best friend in the whole wide world))
wats 4 fave band: simple plan
is 20 loud: yesss
is 13 related to you: how did u know??
is 9 married: no way i dont think any one even like her ((except kenny))
wat would u do if 17 were pregnant: i would be happy for her
if 4 were doing drugs wat would u do: tell her to STOP
do u have a crush on 1: yes!!!
have u ever kissed 5: eww no
have you ever made out with 8: ewwwwwwwww gross
is 2 nice: duhh like i said before she is my best friend in thewhole wide world
are 6 and 19 friends: kinda
do 7 and 11 know each other: ye shtey are best friends
whos the cutest out of 15,18, and 16: its a tie 15&&16
wat is 1 fave color: i dont know
wat is 5 fave band: idk
has 8 ever been to your house: yes
has 17 ever dated your friend: noo
wats 2 fave food: cheese
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You've been totally Bzoink*d


my best friends
You're there in thick and thin You're my best friend You hear me out when I want to talk You help me out when I get mad You are the bestest friend I've ever had So hear me out when I say You're the light in my day You are the moon in my night You shine very bright You are the bestest friend I have and I miss you


The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: blue
Hair Color:: brunette
Height:: 5 foot 3 in
Favorite Color:: pink
Screen Name:: ...
Favorite Band:: all american rejects
Favorite Movie:: high school musical
Favorite Show:: high school musical
Your Car:: i dont have on=(
Your Hometown:: ...
Your Present Town:: ...
Your Crushes First Name:: why would i tell you
Your Grade:: 6th
Your Style:: idk
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: not on my roof
Kissed someone in the rain?: no
Danced in a public place?: yes
Smiled for no reason?: yah
Laughed so hard you cried?: yup
Peed your pants after age 8?: maybe...
Written a song?: yah but it was dumb
Sang to someone for no reason?: yuppers
Performed on a stage?: yah
Talked to someone you don't know?: yah in a store with hannah and katie
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: duh
Made out in a theatre?: no
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yes
Been in love?: y-e-s
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: katie
Tell you, I love you?: um...
Kiss you?: idk...
Hug you?: um idk
Tell you BYE?: katie
Write you a note?: katie
Take your photo?: katie
Call your cell phone?: katie
Buy you something?: my mom
Go with you to the movies?: katie
Sing to you?: umm...
Write a poem about you?: katie && hannah
Text message you?: cingular ((to tell me how to use it )))
Touch you?: megan
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: um 5min ago
Time you cried?: last night
Movie you watched?: high school musical
Joke you told?: where does a fish get its money...answer...a fish bank ((i made that one up))
Song you've sang?: start of suttin new
Time you've looked at the clock?: just now
Drink you've had?: none
Number you've dialed?: idk
Book you've read?: idk i dont read
Food you've eaten?: chips and dip
Flavor of gum chewed?: sour
Shoes you've worn?: flip flops
Store you've been in?: idk it was called hannahs market...it was weird
Thing you've said?: said
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: yes
Whistle?: yup
Blow a bubble?: yah
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yuppers
Cross your eyes?: yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?: no
Dance?: yup...but not good
Gleek?: what???
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yah
Speak a different language?: yuppers
Impersonate someone?: yes
Prank call people?: yup
Make a card pyramid?: idk...never tried
Cook anything?: yah
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: boy i would die
I wish ...: me and zac efron could go on a trip to an island
So many people don't know that ...: i am married to zac efron
I am ...: mrs efron
My heart is ...: set on zac efron
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You've been totally Bzoink*dGirl: I'm always here for you. Boy: I know. Girl: What's wrong? Boy: I like her so much. Girl: Talk to her. Boy: I don't know. She won't ever like me. Girl: Don't say that. You're amazing. Boy: I just want her to know how I feel. Girl: Then tell her. Boy: She won't like me. Girl: How do you know that? Boy: I can just tell. Girl: Well just tell her. Boy: What should I say? Girl: Tell her how much you like her. Boy: I tell her that daily. Girl: what do you mean? Boy: I'm always with her. I love her. Girl: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me. Boy: Wait. Who do you like? Girl: Oh some boy. Boy: Oh... she won't like me either. Girl: She does. Boy: How do you know? Girl: Because, who wouldn't like you? Boy: You. Girl: You're wrong, I love you. Boy: I love you too. Girl: So are you going to talk to her? Boy: I just did./div


i dont read.. who does??


The Longest Top 8 Survey You Ever Taken
who is #1 (name)?: katie
Have you kissed 1?: no way
Is #1 cute?: as a friend
Use 3 words to describe 1: best friend forever
Has number 1 ever given you a nickname?: yah...noodle...hahaha
Ever stayed the night with number 1?: yah
who is #2 (name)?: taylor
How long have you know 2?: maybe a couple years
#2 eye color?: idk
Is 2 a cool person?: yup
Does #2 have a boyfriend?: idk...maybe
What if #2 was famous?: that would be kool
Does 2 smoke?: no
Does 2 like Spongebob Squarepants?: idk maybe
Have you ever hugged number 2?: yah probably
Have you ever traveled anywhere with 2?: i dont think so
Do you have a crush on #2?: no way
who is #3 (name)?: hannah
Why are you friends with 3?: she is really nice
How did you meet 3?: in school
Would you date 3?: not at all
What color is 3's hair?: blonde
Have you ever kissed 3?: eww no
Have you ever gotten drunk/high with 3?: no way
Have you ever dated number 3?: nooo
who is #4 (name)?: kameron
Have you hugged 4?: maybe idk
When was the last time you saw 4?: today at 3 or some time around there
Best memory with 4?: i have alot
What if #4 was a girl? (if they are a girl, then if they were a boy): that would be so much funn
Do you own anything signed by 4?: probably
Has 4 ever seen you naked?: no
Have you met 4's family?: yah
Have you ever heard number 4 sing?: yuppers
who is #5 (name)?: megan
#5's middle name?: kristen
Have you ever hung out with 5?: yes
Have you ever seen 5 in a swimsuit?: yah
Has 5 ever seen you do something embarassing?: yup
How did you meet number 5?: when she was born
Can number 5 play an instrument?: i dont think soo
Would you go on a road trip with number 5?: i have to all the time
who is #6 (name)?: melissa
Have you done anything sexual with 6?: no eww
Do you know when 6's birthday is?: yes
Does #6 have a younger sibling?: no
What if #6 lived with you?: omg
Has 6 ever heard you sing?: yes
Has number 6 ever agreed with you about something when no one else did?: yah
who is #7 (name)?: mercedes
Would you ever kiss 7?: no
Does 7 live close?: i dont think so
Does #7 wear make-up?: idk
Is #7 gay?: no
What is 7's favorite color?: idk
Does 7 have an Aunt Flo?: huh???
Have you ever done anything illegal with 7: no
Have you ever had a crush on 7?: no
Have you ever dated 7?: no
How long have you known number 7?: um...
Have you ever kissed number 7?: no
Have you danced with number 7?: no
who is #8 (name)?: morgan
Are you and 8 close?: idk
What #8 last name?: idk it
Does 8 have a crush on you?: no i dont think so
Have you seen a movie with number 8?: no
Would you ever kiss number 8?: no
Has 8 been in your house?: no
out of the top 8 Who makes you laugh?: katie #1 && kameron # 4
out of the top 8 Who makes you smile?: katie #1 kameron# 4
out of the top 8 Who is the loudest?: um to many to choose
out of the top 8 funniest?: katie and kameron
out of the top 8 who would you die for?: katie megan && melissa
out of the top 8 smartest?: um..idk
out of the top 8 most sensitive?: megan
out of the top 8 nicest?: idk...
out of the top 8 who can you tell all your problems too?: katie
out of the top 8 who do you wish you could see more?: idk...
out of the top 8 whos lives closest?: katie
out of the top 8 Whos unique?: idk...all of them are
Have you ever kissed anyone in your top 8?: no
Have you ever dated anyone in your top 8?: no
Have you ever seen anyone in your top 8 cry?: yes
Has anyone in your top 8 seen you cry?: yah
out of the top 8 who have you known the longest?: katie
Which person in your top 8 do you know the best?: katie
Anyone on you top eight a musicain?: dont think so...
Who on your top eight have you seen naked?: um...
Who's the closest to you in your top eight?:
Would you ever go on a road trip with all 8 of them?: yah
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My Blog


i have a soft ball tourney on satuday wish me good luck
Posted by taryn♥ on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 05:13:00 PST

10 signs u r in LOVE

10 Signs of Falling in Love:1. You can't stop thinking of him, he's all over your head somehow.2. You can't think straight, you forget how to do simple things, like how to eat.3. You dream of him al...
Posted by taryn♥ on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 05:13:00 PST


Posted by taryn♥ on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 05:13:00 PST


i get to go to the fall out boys concert on thursday and my mom is going to let me invite 1 friend so i am takeing my best friend KATIE THOMPSON YAHOO!!!...
Posted by taryn♥ on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 05:13:00 PST


yes noooo school for a week HIP HIP HORRAY!!!
Posted by taryn♥ on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 05:13:00 PST