anyone whose not fake or superficial..i despise liars and ignorance.. yeaa i guess thats about it for qualifications. i'd like to meet someone who will just simply accept me and my imperfections,someone who'll understand the way god made me and a guy who will bring out the best in me. someone who will lift my spirit,someone who will make my heart melt, someone who will send shiver down my spine..someone who will not make me cry...someone who will not let me be the person i am not.. someone i can talk laugh,cry and drink with. someone who's not perfect.. but definitely good looking.. someone who will love and take care of me.. someone who's not so aggresive but not so tame.. someone who's real and not just an imagination.. someone who's true someone who will give me life someone i will love for the rest of my life someone who will stay FOREVER....>>AnD A PeRsOn Hu AcCePt mE FoR WaT I Am NoT FoR WaT I HaVe~~tHaT's It!!
nEw wAvE..hIpHoP..ReGgAe..
~~~~~~~~~~~*run**weak**kailan**sorry*AkAp**jeepney**one love**crazy for you**pieces of me**same ground**broken sonnet**no woman no cry**get up, stand up**at ur best (u r love)**tell me where it hurts**everytime i close my eyes**love moves in mysterious ways*I am good, But not an Angel. I do sin, But I am not the Devil. I am pretty, But not beautiful. I have friends, but I am not the Peacemaker. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to Love."
>ELLa EnChAnTeD...MaId iN MaNhAtTaN...FiNaL DeStInAtIoN...JuOn...AmErIcAn wEdDiNg...tHe sWeEtEsT tHiNg...FiNdInG NeMo...U TuRn...bArBiE...
"~ C a N d Y ~ c O S M O P o l I T A N ~"
..C a R a M h E l @ myspace