±~*cArAmHeL*~± profile picture


**so inlove**

About Me

..WeLL i'M a sImPlE GiRl..VeRy "sWeEt"/ "RoMaNtIc" PeRsOn.. nD i dO BelIeVe In TrUe lOvE..I LoVe 2 SiNg nD DanCe..sCuBa dIvInG.i OlSo lOvE 2 EaT..I hAvE My oWn BzNs hErE In mAnIlA It's A CoMpUtEr ShOp..lIkE I SaId BEfOrE i lOvE 2 SiNg Nd DaNcE I BeLiEvE i wAs BoRn InTo ThIs wOrLd tO pErFoRM eVEn iF I DoN'T mAkE It To tHe ToP... i bElIeVe I CaN Be tHe BeSt i cAn bE.. bUt MuSiC Nd PeRfOrMiNg Is mY ThAnG. I..M A STRAIGHT -FORWARD PERSON, NO HANG-UPS AND DULL MOMENTS WITh ME..meeehh...hhhmm.. ahhh...agUrL whO ExpEriEncEd Lot oF hEaRtAcHeS .. iF u Will See mE iN pErSoN u wiLL NeVeR SaY ThAt iM In PaIn..LoOk InTo mY EyEs aNd U wiLL See ThE eMpTiNeSs fRoM wIthiN.Im sO FuNNy.. SimPleNg BaBae Sa TuNaY nA kAhULuGaN nG sALitA.. AkO'Y iSaNg BaBaeNg HiNdI mAaRte,hInDi BoLeRa, At MaSaRaP mAgmAhAl.. wHeN I LovE Im GiViNg mY wOrLd For ThE PeRsOn. aStIg,CoWbOy, tOuGh,StRonG.. im always alone and im used to it.. sanay ng lokohin,,sanay ng lumuha,sanay ng masaktan.. i love to sing, to laugh to make poems..im always in love with LOVE that's why i always end up crying..i hate pretensions im a straight forward person.. i usually say what's on my mind ayaw ko ng binobola ako..sawa na akong maging malungkot...physically hmm lemme think..mahaba ang buhok,fair complexion..stands 5'6,juz see me in person.I'm very independent and I can get along with all kinds of people, and love making friends...im friendly but wid limitations now, bcoz some people are abusing me...they might think that im stupid bcoz im letting them fool me, abuse me, use me...but i just wanna let those people know that my silence means so much... i wont stop them from hurting me bcoz i still luv them...thats the reason why i hate myself when im inluv, im out of control...but if this luv fades, there will be no turning back... so enjoy it while it LAST!!! lastly, please be patient if i don't reply asap..i DO read your messages, you just have to give me time.be patient..
.. ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

anyone whose not fake or superficial..i despise liars and ignorance.. yeaa i guess thats about it for qualifications. i'd like to meet someone who will just simply accept me and my imperfections,someone who'll understand the way god made me and a guy who will bring out the best in me. someone who will lift my spirit,someone who will make my heart melt, someone who will send shiver down my spine..someone who will not make me cry...someone who will not let me be the person i am not.. someone i can talk laugh,cry and drink with. someone who's not perfect.. but definitely good looking.. someone who will love and take care of me.. someone who's not so aggresive but not so tame.. someone who's real and not just an imagination.. someone who's true someone who will give me life someone i will love for the rest of my life someone who will stay FOREVER....>>AnD A PeRsOn Hu AcCePt mE FoR WaT I Am NoT FoR WaT I HaVe~~tHaT's It!!


>RnB..mElLoW.. pOp..aCuStIc..bAlLaD.. nEw wAvE..hIpHoP..ReGgAe.. tRaNcE.< ~~~~~~~~~~~*run**weak**kailan**sorry*AkAp**jeepney**one love**crazy for you**pieces of me**same ground**broken sonnet**no woman no cry**get up, stand up**at ur best (u r love)**tell me where it hurts**everytime i close my eyes**love moves in mysterious ways*I am good, But not an Angel. I do sin, But I am not the Devil. I am pretty, But not beautiful. I have friends, but I am not the Peacemaker. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to Love."


>ELLa EnChAnTeD...MaId iN MaNhAtTaN...FiNaL DeStInAtIoN...JuOn...AmErIcAn wEdDiNg...tHe sWeEtEsT tHiNg...FiNdInG NeMo...U TuRn...bArBiE...


"~ C a N d Y ~ c O S M O P o l I T A N ~"


..C a R a M h E l @ myspace

My Blog

=::What a boyfriend should do::=

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants t...
Posted by ±~*cArAmHeL*~± on Sun, 04 Sep 2005 02:00:00 PST


Posted by ±~*cArAmHeL*~± on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 09:07:00 PST

~*F l i R t Y*~

I think i should tell you what people are saying behind your back.&&. Nice Ass!!!!!!! I wish I was a teddy bear, that lay upon your bed, so everytime you cuddled it, you cuddled me instead L...
Posted by ±~*cArAmHeL*~± on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

~~*ViRtUe oF LoVe*~~

The virtue of love isnt finding the perfect person, but by loving the imperfect person perfectly. If love isnt a game then why are there so many players? u luv coz u weep.u weep coz u hurt.u hurt co...
Posted by ±~*cArAmHeL*~± on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST