girl-girl-girl the reason i watched power rangers in space
..keane.. glay .. anime sountrack.. alanis.. l arc en ciel.... judy and mary... kjwan.. sonata artica....
LOrd of THe Ring TOnes, ONg~bAK , sHAllOW HElL, ANd MAndy MOore, OOpS SOrRy , MAny mORE Well EXept HinDI CAuse it"s SUCks .. ...
The SimPSONS , C.S.i , MAXimun ExPOsure, ANIME, The DREw CArey Show, That 70'S ShoW, FrIenDs, GtO ( LAkonan HIghWAY SBG CikGu ONizuka eKIchi ) And JapaNESE DramASELAMAT DATANG KE LADANG GUARDO LUPE...
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