Perhaps too many,.
Jeshua,La Madre de Jeshua so i could kiss Her feet,Martin Luther King and Ghandi so i could walk with them,Og Mandino so i could thank him,Socrates so we could converse,Michelangelo &Raphael so they could give me some pointers,Rose Parks so i could sit next to her,Vincent Van Gogh so he could tell me what he was thinking about when he painted Starry night,,John Dominic Crossan so i could learn about Jeshua,Fiona Apple so i could ask her why she is so sullen,Stevie Wonder so he could teach me how to see,Louie Armstrong so i could show him how i fake the trumpet ,Billie holiday so i could tell her how much she is to look at,,Alejandro Sanz to ask him about One of his songs,or a few,.Sandro the same,Nino Bravo to ask him who he was influenced by,Neil Diamond,George Michael,Billy Joel,Elton John,Buena vista Social club,Hector Lavoe,all for inspiring me,Taino indians in there original community,Irma Sanchez again,My Father Roberto Vazquez so i could tell him i miss him.
All music that expresses the heart & Truth,including honesty,and what speaks of cultura,Definitely Fusion because i feel that that's where we're at today,. The universal sound that brings us together,.In general,. Latin music, Salsa,Cuban music, Rock en Espanol,Jazz,80's & 90's rock, Regatone & Rap , especially Karma's whose going to take the regatone world by the ankles,and i'm gonna be on her album!!!!Yeah!!!! My Father Roberto Vazquez music,.My Brother Roberto Vazquez music,, my mom's Cecilia Vazquez music, and alot of local artists who are out there keeping it REAL.
Amorres Perros,Motorcycle Diaries,Forest Gump,Memento,Adam Sandler movies,Ace Ventura movies ,Jim Carey movies and the old black & white movies.
Don't really watch much television,but i do love Oprah,I use to watch X Files,Friends,Frazier,Honeymooners,Odd Couple,the old shows,.on cable when i have it and have the time.
Secrets Sayings of Jesus by Grant & Freedman, JESUS A Revolutionary Biography by John Crossan,Socrates,The Taino by Irving Rouse,The Gospel Of Jesus James. M. Robinson,George Borges,The Africans who wrote the Bible by Darkwah,
My Father "Roberto Vazquez" my friend Sophea"who is now also in that heavenly place,.My Mother "Cecilia Vazquez"who is still with me Thank God! And of course Jeshua nin Saret.Martin Luther King,Ghandi.Edward.R.Murrow