Chris profile picture


Mate O Seu Porco!

About Me

aim; lifesmymachine

"Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, And dance like no one's watching."

My Interests

water polo, swimming, track, music, driving, girls ---

1920s, absolutely nothing, adrenaline rushes, adventures, air, aol instant messenger, astronomy, backpacking, bands, baseball, basketball, beach, being lazy, birthdays, black and white photography, blue, boy scouts, brazil, california, camping, cars, chatting, christmas, computers, cookies, cosmos, cycling, dancing, debates, dessert, dodgers, dogs, driving, driving around aimlessly, dvds, eating, fire, foamy, food, football, friends, getting lost, girls, going to movies, google, guitar, halo, halloween, holidays, hurdles, ice cream, ice scating, ipods, inside jokes, lakers, laser tag, laughing, lemonade, life, listening to music, los angeles, messing around, mini golf, motocross, mountains, movies, mp3s, music, mustangs, not being home, ocean, orange, parties, peanut m&ms, phone, photography, pictures, politics, pools, randomness, rock climbing, roller coasters, root beer, running, singing alone in my car, sleeping, snow, stars, strawberrys, style, sugar, summer, sunrise, sunset, surfing, swimming, talking, teens, texas, the 80's, theme parks, track, traveling, trogdor, ultimate frisbee, unicycling, usc, vans, walks, water polo, westside, winter, xbox, other stuff that i cant think of

I'd like to meet:

fun people


all kinds

i love music


action, comedies, anything really


Family, Friends, My Grandpa, My Coaches, Superman, Mr. Hayes, Ansel Adams, Tony Azevedo, and other people i can't think of

My Blog

My Gatorade Essay

does anyone actually read these myspace blogs? anyways heres a punishment essay i wrote for math class a while back, i found it amusing.. you might too.. The Gatorade Incident Drinking is very ...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

finals... funnyified

just some stuff to put you in the mood.. you know, for finals 50 Fun things to do during finals 1. Bring a pillow. Fall asleep (or pretend to) until the last 15 minutes. Wake up, say "oh geez,...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST