- aPriL - profile picture

- aPriL -

i F_ckinG lOve U

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator ^^ ***I am a simple type of person who loves doing everything that is on my mind. no worries. no hassles. no obstacles could hinder what i had planned for myself. i enjoy exploring new things, making worth out of it and bringing out the essence of every thing i have.. i like to make friends. i am not a saint..i am not perfect..but i am quite a li'l damn perfectionist.. for me, i should be spending my life, not in hatred but in joy i see all around me! i am a fighter for what i believe is right, i stand for my principles in life! I never let anyone dictate me for, I, have the power to dominate my world and manipulate the path i am heading.. I think people should always say what they really want to,what they really mean the other stuff that they think other people want to hear.That's crap.I can talk on&on about any given subject- talking does not bore me.I hate one-sided conversations&one-word answers insult me.Give me a stimulating,maybe even heated,discussion w/a friend or enemy or a great book over watching a movie any day.When I love,I really love.I prize loyalty in myself&in my friends.***FIRE is my thing,my icon!(as u can see,I DO talk too much.I could talk the hind leg off of a donkey,the way i go someTimes!) i "oh so!" love hanging and bumming around with friends.. partying all night and dancing my way out! i enjoy singing 'till my throat draws it out.. and what i love most is being able to balance the aspects of my life.. it's a blessing!!*** im ready this time, i know that im no longer undecided and i dont wanna be a fool wondering what might have been.....***i'll have AIM in a few and i'll post it in the community

My Interests

mUsiC,. giMikS., maLLinG,. sHopPinG,. hoUse pArtY,. driNkinG (tiLL u drOp!!) anD laStLy..... bOizZ....

I'd like to meet:

anYonE.... frieNdLy feLLas....


RnB,. aLteRnaTivE,. tRanCe,. sLow MusiCz, ------yEs to -----(spoNgeColA, kiTchiE naDaL, sEssiOn roAd) (uSheR, neLLy, sNooP doG, boiZ 2 mEn, aLiciA kEys) (fuCk iT, Furb, dRop iT liKe iTs hoT, noBodY, roMeo anD juLiet, roCk iT, mY gooDies) anD lOtsA moRe!!!!


1 miSseD caLL, sEeD oF chuCky, wHitE chiCks.........


tRuE phiLiPPinE ghoSt sToriEs.... lOve anD liFestYLe.... aStroLogY....