Julian/PM [BloodRush] profile picture

Julian/PM [BloodRush]

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Julian its different i think since theres only 2 of us in my school. I hate parents they really are stupid. I can be meaner then you don't make me. I fall pretty easy >_>. No fat chicks xD. I love Super Smash Bros Melee it makes me happy =] not to mention I can rape you at it =P. Subway and candy make me happy too. My best friend is Zack I love him as a brother he's always been there for me and I hope he always will be. I get angry very quickly so don't be stupid please. I'm ruthless and don't care for many people. I love the color yellow and i also love Techno, I don't mean Medic Droid they're posers and don't deserve to have a turntable. im talking about hard core techno with the loud music and a good beat and some sweet scratches =]. I also love metal music too its beast =]. If i say your musics bad i really mean its easy to make or its just gay and whoever sings it sounds gay. I also hate phones a lot. The word "Sorry" doesn't mean shit to me you have to make stuff up to me not say sorry so I know your not lying. I'm looking for a girlfriend. I really just want a girl that will stay with me and isn't hard to understand =]

My Interests

ITG, Conker, Music, Phantasy star, SSX, some art, Smash Bros and Halo.

I have already started taking over the world in Triumph, and you can too!

Join my army, or start your own in Triumph!
Visit: http://triumph.oddthought.com/myspace.php?w=54721252

I'd like to meet:

my online friends and any random nice people =DComment Me!


In Flames, Tool, Mastodon, Slayer, A Perfect Circle, The Fall of Troy, Steve Ouimette.

DJ The Viper, DJ Isaak, DJ Paul Elstak, Paul Van Dyke, Paul Oakenfold, DJ Sy, Brisk, Veggabond, Darude, Dark Raver, Angerfist, Benny Benassi, Ham, Cascada, DJ fire, DJ Outblast, DJ EGGZ ^^, DJ Electro one, DJ Durax, DJ Jean, DJ Jurgen, DJ Promo, DJ scribble, DJ Tiesto, G-Town Madness, DJ Godfather.


my favorite kind of movies are scary movies and funny movies
but i do watch almost anything (even drama sadly)


I love all the things on adult swim there all funny and perverted which is why I love adult swim so much.
oh and anime yay anime wooo


well i normally dont know whats going on and i dont really care so i just wing it most the time and hope for the best

Zack, Luke, Andy, Erin, Eggz, G-regulate,