ITG, Conker, Music, Phantasy star, SSX, some art, Smash Bros and Halo.
I have already started taking over the world in Triumph, and you can too!
Join my army, or start your own in Triumph!
my online friends and any random nice people =DComment Me!
In Flames, Tool, Mastodon, Slayer, A Perfect Circle, The Fall of Troy, Steve Ouimette.
DJ The Viper, DJ Isaak, DJ Paul Elstak, Paul Van Dyke, Paul Oakenfold, DJ Sy, Brisk, Veggabond, Darude, Dark Raver, Angerfist, Benny Benassi, Ham, Cascada, DJ fire, DJ Outblast, DJ EGGZ ^^, DJ Electro one, DJ Durax, DJ Jean, DJ Jurgen, DJ Promo, DJ scribble, DJ Tiesto, G-Town Madness, DJ Godfather.
my favorite kind of movies are scary movies and funny movies
but i do watch almost anything (even drama sadly)
I love all the things on adult swim there all funny and perverted which is why I love adult swim so much.
oh and anime yay anime wooo
well i normally dont know whats going on and i dont really care so i just wing it most the time and hope for the best
Zack, Luke, Andy, Erin, Eggz, G-regulate,