Eating, playing video games, watching anime, reading, sleeping, watching random Youtube videos. I'm boring, so bite me.
Someone who smacks me in the head every time I start to do something that will embarass myself because I don't think before I do it... like writing that rant that was up here up till now. xD wtf was that about? Oh, and Natalie because she is completely awesome and I feel like we could really understand each other. this is why:
Jrock, classical, metal, symphonic.
Most Korean, Japanese, and Chinese movies, some American action, horror, drama, and comedies. Most anime, except the stuff they commonly show on CN.
I don't watch TV. but I rent televeision series: Oz, Law and Order: SVU, CSI, The Shield.. yeah, I watch cop/criminal shows. xD
Skeleton Crew by Stephen King and most other Stephen King books (except Gerald's Game because that book just droned on.), some Dean Koontz books, Rumiko Takahashi manga, Lee So Young manga, Genshiken, Princess Ai, Yotsuba&!
Henry Rollins, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Beat Takeshi, Takashi Miike, Angelina Jolie, and Maaya Sakamoto. And if we are talking comic book, Spiderman, Batman, and The Flash because he's a hyperactive nerd... well Spiderman is a nerd too, but it's not as bad. xD and I mean... seriously... Batman is just a hero that kicks ass, not a superhero, how can you not love him on pure principle?