Red's crack in a can!
You know, Joe Rogan, this is not the first time I've tasted penis. I've tasted a lot. In my line of work, you taste penises all the time. My proudest moment was my $450,000 Crack Party
It is truly an honor and a privilege for me to be here at Pinehurst school, or whatever your school is called today. I say its a privilege, because its a violation of my parole to be around children. But enough about that!
He's been away for a while but he's back around. The kookiest crackhead in the town. He kicked his habit back in the joint. He's finally home. He's Tyrone.
I enjoy Chinese riddles (like 'how can you sleep when you're high on crack), carjacking, stealing stereos, the 5:00 Free Crack Giveaway. Anything I can do to find money. Crack, here I come
Ummmmm...a peanut butter and crack sandwhich!
Let me tell you something about me Joe Rogan that you might not know. I smoke rocks.