..'joANnA'.. profile picture


you don't know what you've got til' it's gone...

About Me

I LuV chOcOlaTEs,HonEys,cAnDYbARs aND miLksHaKeS.. BeERs.. CigAreTTEs.. YellOW, ORangE and PurPLe.. i LuV thE peOPle whO adOReS me A LoTt! i LovE thOse wHO apPREciaTEs evEn thoSE LittLe thiNGs i mAde fOr thEm.. i LuV haNging Out WitH my FRieNds.. i LuV eAtinG a Lot AftER getTing MysElf DRunk.. i Luv Kids.. MoviES, mUsiQ.. houSE,jaZZ,R&B and hiPhop.. beAches.. TequiLas.. my fELLas.. sUrfing.. exPloriNg new THings ARound meE..EverYthInG tHat GOes unDer THe Sun! LifE is CoOl buT shoRt.. u'LL neveR kNoW whaT's cOmiN' aT ya, so liVe ur liFe to The FuLLest.. eNjoy! anD maKE thE moST oUT oF it! chill!This page was edited using Toxxic.net - Profile Editor Toxxic.net MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

partying, clubbing, malling, movies, chillaxin, eating..

I'd like to meet:

Scroll images by bigoo.ws


RnB,slow jamz,alternatives,love songs etc.......


My Heath Ledger's movies... Richard Gere's movies.. anything actually bsta hindi mashadong violent and action..


news,fear factor,LAHAT!!!!!


archie..sweet valley,encyclopaedias,national geographic..documentaries


human torch..