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Myspace Layouts by
The Class Struggle at its finest:
People who refuse to make themselves small-- in love, desire, knowledge, outrage, and life's other key ingredients.Also, boys who look like girls from a certain angle. And someone to come organize my tupperware.And of course, my soul mate ADELE BERTEI. 2nd from right, with The Bloods, c. 1980:
Songs involving bells and chimes, cellos and ukuleles.
Those in which delicious pizzas are purchased, but sadly neglected (E.T. and Waynes World spring to mind). Also Me and You and Everyone We Know, Shortbus, Born in Flames, Velvet Goldmine, Amadeus, Rize, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia, Grizzly Man, Afterlife, Gummo, Storytelling, The Descent, Arthur, Rushmore, The Jerk, Antonia's Line, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Sicko, and yes-- The Notebook. Close Encounters of the Third Kind is also pure genius. Not to mention Flashdance.
Lost, Big LOOOOVE, Six Feet Under (RIP), nonstop Sex and the City marathon. I don't run marathons, the TV does that for me.
I pretty much only read graphic novels anymore. A few favorites: Fun Home; anything Hernandez bros. (except the later Gilbert, too much focus on the boobs); Castle Waiting; La Perdida; How Loathesome; Embroideries; The Amazing True Story of a Teenage Single Mom; and most recently, Black Hole, Box Office Poison, and American Born Chinese. A few image-deficient books that I nonetheless also love: The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter (McCullers), Middlesex (Eugenides), Salome of the Tenements (Yezierska), Life in the Iron Mills (Harding-Davis), All Our Kin (Stack), Trash (Allison), Beloved (Morrison), Watership Down (Adams), all Harry Potter (Rowling).
My totally awesome, and AVAILABLE, mom Kathy. 54 years old, 5'3", around 135lb., "blonde" hair, cute Irish features. Liberal, irreverent, very intelligent WITHOUT needing a bachelor's degree to prove it (especially when it comes to anything involving children, nutrition, politics), reads the newspaper every morning. Looking for someone who's not a small-minded, small-town hick: if you've ever uttered the phrase "Gitter done!" in earnesty, or voted republican without regretting it, or would rather hang out with your alcoholic buddies than spend a quiet night at home keeping her company, KEEP ON WALKING. Also: must love her four witty, sarcastic, equally intelligent and irreverent daughters-- if you double-cross her, we'll hunt you down like a pack of wild lionesses and tear you to bits. If interested contact me, the Alpha Lioness, and we'll begin the screening process.p.s.-- No arsonists, please!!!!!
You Are the Very Gay Peppermint Patty!
Softball is the huge tipoff here...
As well as a "best friend" who loves to call her "sir"
What Gay Childhood Icon Are You?