My Blog
the long night of 1977
another year
another year's lines carved into my face
my teeth a year blacker
my eyes a year colder
skin just a shade more grey
another year i didn't wear a watch
another year i didn't set ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 00:46:00 GMT
an open casting call to an X rated movie about kids
i fell in love today. again. it's not really as grand and meaningful as it sounds. it happens just as often with the girl at the video store as with the girl in the back of her grandparents car, stari...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 04:23:00 GMT
pistol fighter
i've hidden a tape recorder under your pillow dear. let's listen.
Posted by on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 04:44:00 GMT
if Charlie Parker had been a gunfighter, there would be a lot of dead copycats.
The dentist was an asshole. just the wrong guy to be working with kids. maybe the money was right, or maybe he loved teeth, maybe i just saw him through six year old eyes as a man whose job it was to ...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Oct 2005 14:52:00 GMT
first day of school.
...and the next i remember i'm at his table, most everyone is gone. the few that are left are scowling, flailing me down, taking thier time out of some juvenile spite that Americans develop when being...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 01:52:00 GMT
a revengers tragedy.
Mike Knobles died last night. you didn't know him, and really neither did his wife or children. i knew him in a certain sense of the word, about as well as anyone can really know anyone else. Mike gre...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Aug 2005 13:36:00 GMT
my first knife.
i wish i could see whatever it is they see. if i thought for one solitary moment they were right, maybe i could stop chasing the nod. just a minute or two snatched out of a lifetime of accidents. my r...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Jul 2005 04:51:00 GMT
a donut without a hole is a danish.
when i was nine i used to go to school everyday with a bag of donut holes, and i would milk those little fuckers for like five periods, in the hopes of someone giving me the nickname "Bag-a-donuts", a...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Jul 2005 20:50:00 GMT
better living through modern chemistry
when you finally get to the bottom of a hotel room, you have some serious choices to make. your habit is only as good as your hussle, and kids, i was all outta hussle. trick turning time, anything to ...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Jul 2005 04:50:00 GMT
historical revisionist of uparrelled scope and vision
it was brought to my attention today that i'm a total liarmouth. and here i thought i was just real, real clever. gotta go, Nyquil is kicking in. huh?
Posted by on Fri, 14 Jan 2005 09:39:00 GMT