The unspeakably amazing souls who grace my life. Case in point:
dancing like no one's watching, music, birth, mother earth, unconditional love and her infinite modes of expression, nonviolent communication, random epiphanies, psychoneuroimmunology, dreams, Central Park, creating space to breathe while flying lightning speed
Fear, and watch him shrink into oblivion.
Equal opportunity: the vulgar, the classy, the mainstream, the revolutionary. I credit a few angels---you know who you are---for bringing me up to speed with the stuff that rocks my world and keeps me (semi) sane.
Earthlings, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix
Anything by my extraordinary Momma Kate Hovey, author of: Ancient Voices, Voices of the Trojan War, and Arachne Speaks. Currently reading: The Art of Living, by Epictetus
My gorgeous sister Ellie, the most stunning creature on this planet of earth. Yes, this would be my baby girl who recently informed me----via text message---that she got a nose ring. Guess she gotta grow up sometime!