Try the BEST MySpace Editor and MySpace Backgrounds at MySpace Toolbox !My name is C.P. Kaestner aka Shinobi, and I am the founder of Mind Bomb Inc. This is a fraternity of artists, poets, and musicians. Currently, I have four books of poetry out, In Absence of light , New Realities and Truths, Landscapes Surrounding the Dao (or LSD) and The Exqusite Corpse. You can order all these book,s toll-free at (877) BUY-BOOK or on any book selling web site. Any bookstore can order either of the books or you can even go to So I hope you enjoy it, if not it makes a great beer coaster! Anyways... basically, in a nut shell, Mind Bomb Inc. is meant to expand conciousness and bring art back to the forefront of society. Several Mind bomb artists including myself, Brian Crabtree, Mary and Ashley Johnson, Steve Erickson, Nicole Talaga,Nikki Evans, James Morgan, and Vikki Contreras, are currently working on a new project for a 2009 release, as well as several other projects. Other projects include a musical project entitled KABLA and a CD, 11 more books, and we are currently in the Corrnerstone art Gallery to see some of our artwork(which by the way is for sale!)go to I have also released a skateboard by SK8KINGS skateboards and that can be seen at . And if that isn't enough, I also have some of my artwork on clothing at . So a lot is going on at the moment. We have recently been receiving requests on how to join Mind Bomb Inc. I have hand selected the head council or as I call them "The 9", but we will work with any artists,or companies that are willing to spread the word about Mind Bomb Inc. We do not have any openings as of now but you can join the Bomb Squad and help spread the word and join our blog. And please feel free to put your own poetry and thought or even random rants on. Who know's you may be the next member of Mind Bomb Inc.
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