singing, solitude, songwriting, playing piano, german, facing fears,thai, japanese, creole, southern, herbs, vitamins, water,indie, synthpop, electronic, classical,elegance, eyes, fashion, skin, target, ikea,improv, theater, stand-up, college, meditation, music, clubbing, horror movies, originality, people watching, irish pubs, nyc, scents, highcheekbones, halloween, haunted houses, theme parks, grey windy days, autumn, dead leaves, thunderstorms, shopping, cleaning
The Killers, Radiohead, Muse, Keane, She Wants Revenge, Orbital, Recoil, Alan Wilder, Lavantgarde, Client, Underwater Pilots, Iris, Negative Format, God Module, Hocico, The Pogues, The Clash, U2, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Loretta Lynn, The Lovemakers, VHS or Beta, The Strokes, The White Stripes, The Faint, The Smiths, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Nitzer Ebb, New Model Army, The Lime Spiders, The Ocean Blue, Vladimir Horowitz.
Waiting, Halloween, Office Space, Fight Club, Gods and Monsters, Lolita, Garden State, The Secretary, The Shining, Carrie, Amelie, South Park, Sleepy Hollow, Love Actually, Spanglish, Nightmare on Elm Street, Return of the Living Dead, Evil Dead, Weird Science, Dead Poet's Society, Lord of the Rings, Real Genius, Sixteen Candles, Not Another Teen Movie, Napoleon Dynamite, The Money Pit, The Wizard of Oz, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Less Than Zero, Pretty In Pink, Something About Mary, Apt Pupil.
SNL, Conan O'Brien, David Letterman, South Park, Fraisier, Seinfeld, M*A*S*H, TLC, Discovery, PBS, Ovation, Travel, Bravo..
The Catcher in the Rye
Wayne Dyer, Alexander Scriabin, Sergi Rachmaninoff, Vladimir Horowitz, Alan Wilder, Jeremy Irons, Ian Mckellen, Edward Norton, Johnny Depp.