MySpace Layouts
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Electronic Music, Skateboarding, Music Production, Reading, Internet technology, Studio Engineering, McGuyver Abilities
anyone that knows more about house/disco/dance music than me. Anyone that knows where a good empty pool is near me. Anyone that has an opening for a high-dollar residency at multi-million $$ club. Any house music labels that need fresh different beats!
Electronic and odd stuff, disco, dub, funk, just plain grooves.
Blade Runner, Initial D, Children of Men, Orgazmo!, Scanners, LOTR, Full Moon videos, LiveDJs archive footage, Kill Bills, City of God, Black Snake Moan
Television is for SHEEP!!! If you like to be force-fed other people's thoughts/ideas/commands then you simply do not want to think, and you can go away. Exception for Reno 911....that shit is dead on
Anything technical and sci-fi
DJ Chang, DJ Mark E Quark, Lance Armstrong, Danny Elfman, Markus Nikolai, Frank Herbert, William Gibson