Tim profile picture


What can I say Dino......she's into Malacas.....

About Me

I'm a pretty average guy. I try to live by a set of rules that I hope will make me a better person....in my eyes at least! Dont want to hear'em.....alright then, here we go: Treat people as you would like to be treated is the general rule. 1. Honor- Have it, and show it off. 2. Respect for others - Show it and you'll always be asked for your opinion. 3. Loyalty - Show it and you'll never be alone. 4. Candor - Use it wisely and get your point across...remember no one likes a kiss ass, and if they do....then there's no way for you to come out on top..... and the most important rule that I would like to think defines me is.... 5. Know when to walk away...you cant win all the time, but if you choose your battles and fight for that witch truly makes a difference, you'll always be a hero.Other than my credo, I love movies, travel, meeting people, music, and my friends. I have more life long friends than casual friends. Lets put it this way, if I'm in need, I know who to go to for any different reason and my friends know I'm always there to help them, find direction, give advice, or just be a sounding board for them to vent. I try my best to never pass judgment on my friends....... I think this is why I have life long friends. I love my work, even though the people I support can make it more difficult than necessary. I am an Events Producer for Universal Studios Hollywood. I like creating events and get a kick out of people having a great time off something I've put my time into. With the events business, every day is an "Opening Night" kind of feel, usually events are one off's, with just that one opportunity to get it right, and I live for that kind of feeling....call me crazy but I'm so used to this kind of pressure, that it's made other aspects of my life seem easier in comparison. Your only as good as you last event, thank god it's not that way in life........

My Interests


I love allot of diffferent kinds of Music. There probably isnt a kind of music that I hate or cant sit through. I guess my favorite genres are: Alternative Rock, Clasic Rock, Hard Rock, Old Punk, Big Band, Blues (old and new), Classical, Oldies, Standards and Classics (Sinatra, Dino, Lou Monte, Perry Como etc..). I have Serius SAT radio because I'm not happy with what L.A. radio has to offer...very limited


Movies.....now this is my subject. I LOVE MOVIES. I'm the kind of guy that quotes them without knowing it. I couldnt possibly pick one movie to be my favorite because there are many different reasons why I like a movie and these "reasons" are equal in how they effect a movie. So here are a few catagories and some of my pic's


The Godfather (predictable...maybe, but you cant deny that this movie was great!)., Saving Private Ryan, Goodfellas, Titanic.....I'm just kidding, that movie SUCKED, The Fisher King, Vertigo,


Blazzing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Life of Brian, Zorro "The Gay Blade" (If you havent seen this one, it's obscure but very funny), Army of Darkness (for its writting and Bruce Campbell mostly), Airplane, Wierd Science (hence my headline quote), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,


Die Hard (any), Enter the Dragon, Raiders of the Lost Ark(C'mon....Raiders was great!),


Lost is a good show....sometimes.... I'd give up on it but I’m to invested already. Something is gonna happen on that show soon, and I don’t want to miss out on the disappointment. I like 30 Rock for its great writing and Alec Baldwin’s delivery. I think I'm developing a "Thing" for Tina Fey....she's cute right?.....RIGHT!! I like the Office because its uncomfortable comedy, and to me that's reflective of real life.....sometimes real life cracks me up ; ) I watch allot of the History Channel and History International, Comedy Central The Daily Show and the Colbert Report are nightly must see's. I'm somewhat of a Political Junkie so I watch allot of MSNBC (Fox NEWS sucks and CNN is just not all that interesting as far as commentators and show hosts go)