Chris Stock
Art and Graphics Direction
YOU! If you want to join us and be part of the team contact us at [email protected]. All you have to do is be available Wedsnesdays at 6:00-9pm. (this does change occasionally) We meet at Linton's Lane Youth Centre in Epsom. We've got plenty of spaces for budding young photographers, graphic designers, writers, music and film reviewers so let us know.
At KT17 we know music has a lot to do with youth culture. We review bands and gigs aswell as organising events like Euphonic Festival in the summer of last year. If you need info regarding anything coming up let us know either through here or through our email at [email protected].
We currently hunting for young journalists who have passion for films. Any film reviews or previews or even just personal writing about 'classic' films would be considered for publication for the next issue.
Once again book reviews and comments on literature from today scene would be greatly appreciated. If you want to review a book or maybe even talk about something regarding an author let us know either through here or through our email at [email protected].