Myspace Layouts at / Hearts skulls & rock & roll - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts at / Hearts skulls & rock & roll - Image Hosting
Er, Parties, obviously! Gigs, stand-up, beak, clubbing (I hate seals), dancing my arse off, Poppers, Laughing...Loads, sunshine-based fun, doing cartwheels, shop-lifting, ripping the absolute piss out of people(in the nicest way possible?!)and generally being an idiot.
Sarcastic? Yes? Then you're in! Witty bastards and handsome young men. Peakers and freaks diamond geezers Rockstars Goatboys (You know who you are) Anyone who needs a random chick to play the cow-bell in their band? Blokes over 6 foot tall, Think you're funny....let me be the judge. Girls who get off-it.Danny Dyer PLEASE, YUM!
Elecro Techno Indie Rock Punk funk ska anything that get's my rather nice ass (if i do say so myself) Jiggin'
Anything that scares the shit out of me or makes me laugh my arse off, All the cheesy 80's classics. Napoleon Dynamite is a film of epic proportions. Breakin' breakdance the movie - Awesome! Current favourite, Hot Fuzz.
MAN STROKE WOMAN is genius. If you don't piss yourself at Takeshi's castle, you're seriously unhinged- what's better than seeing Japanese people fall over?! If I'm feeling bad about myself I like to watch Jeremy Kyle, Trisha Goddard or similar, always cheers me up to watch those poor freaks and pity their stupid, pathetic lives.
The pop-up variety always keep me amused for hours! Colouring-in books are also definitely in my top 5. Joe R Lansdale is my author of the century, he rocks in a massive way.
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, My Dad.