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About Me


My Interests

Being happy. Sunshine. Nice tunes. Being warm when it is cold outside. Home. Away. History. Friends. Cheese. My new camera. Talking to myself. Free bars. Suprise nights out. Mangos. Clean sheets and new toothbrushes. My trainers with dragons on them. Tomato sauce. Eggs are good. Crispy mornings. Looking at Fife from New Town Edinburgh on a clear day...very pretty. My new boots. Rugby. Champagne. Coffee. Marks and Spencers Fruit Shebets - esp the green ones. Baking cakes - esp clementine cake - yum. Christmas. Snogmanay. Dancing (badly). Good stuff in crackers - esp my 360 degree calculator and pen - cooool. Bouncy Balls. Ice Bars. Lambs with no name. New wellies - blue Hunters - check out action shot in pics. Making Sushi. The Cow in Nottinghill. That my fallen down bedroom ceiling is fixed, and that it didn't squish me when it fell. More champagne. New sun glasses. Going on the Chunnel - in a car, on a train, under the sea - wow. That I am doing the Edinburgh Marathon - watch this space... and read my second ever blog entry - I'm after cash. The sun is shining in Edinburgh today.

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Yes, I like music, no particular genre in particular. Currently in circulation - Rocco Deluca, John Mayer, AC/DC, I don't know, a load of other stuff. I have a weakness for really cheesy country music, and am proud of it. I am also going through a crap dance phase for which I can find no explanation - put your hands up for detriot, i love this city. Wrong wrong wrong. And Nine Inch Nails??? and Pete Murray. My iPod died. RIP iPod.


I like movies... esp Leon, Amelie, Scrooged, the Lord of the Rings ones, Zoolander and probably lots more. Ooo, and Top Gun and the Breakfast Club and assorted other 80's stuff. I HATE Saw - it is the vilest most disturbing film in the entire history of my eyes, and I was forced to look at pictures of fluffy kittens for 3 days afterwards to get over the trauma of seeing it at the cinema. I have no opinion on Saw 2 or 3 cos I have not seen them and never will. Eeeeuch.


Off TV at the moment but I have a weakness for cookery programmes which inspire me, but seldom to action. Watched the news last night - does that count...? Ooo, Green Wing, and have discovered a new liking for Desparate Housewives. Plan to attempt to gain an interest in 24 this year cos everyone says it's fab (May update - have failed to gain interst). I like Grand Designs and quite fancy Kevin.


Yes, please... and lots of them. Fact, fiction, pictures, words, pages, covers, all that stuff. I like books about the first world war too - very cheery. Currently reading something about a man called Rory who walked across Afganistan - as you do.



My Blog

Edinburgh Marathon

Hello... I'm going the Edinburgh Marathon (well a bit of the relay) on Sunday 29 May.  If you know me, you will know what a miracle of non-Penny-ness this is, and will no doubt be mightily impre...
Posted by Penny on Tue, 15 May 2007 04:28:00 PST


Well, woo to this
Posted by Penny on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 03:32:00 PST